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Chain sync client specification

The aim of the chain sync client is to replicate the chain of an upstream node. For every upstream node that the local node is connected to there is a separate instance of the client. In the following, we consider a single instance.

Note on terminology:

  • By "intersection" between two chains we will always mean the most recent intersection1 (could be genesis).
  • "Their" fragment1, "their" chain refers to the chain of the upstream node; "our" fragment, "our" chain refers to the chain of the local node.

Key invariant

  1. We will never roll back more than k blocks.
  2. This means we are not interested in upstream nodes whose chains fork from our chain more than k blocks ago.
    • If an upstream node does not satisfy this condition, we will disconnect.
    • Note that this includes nodes that are on the same chain but behind.
    • It will be the responsibility of the network layer to decide whether or not to try reconnecting to such nodes later.
  3. From (1), the intersection between their chain and our chain must be within k blocks from our tip.
  4. Since our fragment will be anchored k back, from (2) we get that the intersection between their chain and our chain must lie on our fragment.
    (NOTE: In the case of corruption of volatile DB -- or being near genesis -- our fragment may be shorter than k, but even in that case, the length of our fragment will dictate our maximum rollback.)
  5. We use their fragment as a proxy for their chain.
  6. We must be able to adopt their chain, and so their fragment should give us enough information to do so.
  7. From (5), this means that their fragment must contain all blocks after the intersection with our fragment (because those blocks are new for us).
  8. From (6), it means the intersection between their chain and our fragment must lie on their fragment: if not, the intersection would be before their fragment, which would mean that we would miss some blocks.

Note that if both nodes are following the same chain and are up to date, the intersection will be the tip of both fragments.

Chain evolution

Property (0) will continue to hold, which means that all of (1-7) must continue to hold. If any of those cannot continue to hold, we should disconnect from the upstream node.

Our chain changes

When our chain evolves, we get a new fragment. If our new fragment still intersects with their fragment, all is well. Otherwise, we throw away their fragment, wait for the pipeline to drain, re-initiate the intersection finding protocol again, and establish a new fragment for the upstream node.

Note: It's not impossible that such a new intersection might exist. For example, if both the upstream node and we are part of a network that temporarily got disconnected from the rest of the world, we might at roughly the same time attempt to switch to the same, much longer, chain when we get reconnected. The check is also not expensive, so there is no need to try to be more clever here and decide if we can disconnect without doing the check.

This is a simple approach, but we need to argue why simply draining the pipe (rather than executing the instructions) and throwing away their fragment is not too wasteful.

The number of headers we might potentially have to download again due to not executing the drained instructions is limited by the high watermark, which is small; this is no big deal. However, the fragment we had before we threw it away could potentially be very long, so we have to make a case that throwing it away is okay.

The scenario is something like this:


..................\........------------ our fragment
----------------------- their (potentially long) fragment

Since we will never adopt the chain for which we have all those headers already (since this would require us to roll back more than k blocks), the headers we have downloaded will never be useful, and so we can just discard them.

(There is one special case here, where there is no intersection between our fragment and their fragment because we are far ahead of them on the same chain; but in this case, starting afresh is only beneficial.)

Their chain changes

We get notified through the chain sync protocol about updates to their chain:

  1. Roll forward. Two possibilities:

    a. This block does not exist on our fragment (they are either ahead of us on the same chain, or they are on another fork). The intersection point does not change.

    b. This block does exist on our fragment (they are behind us on the same chain). The intersection points shifts forward one block, but must still exist on both fragments. Moreover, since it moved forward, it can't violate the "intersection point within k" condition.

  2. Roll back. Two possibilities:

    a. The roll back point is at or after the old intersection point (before the rollback). All is fine.

    b. The roll back point is /before/ the old intersection point. All blocks before the old intersection point must be shared between their chain and our chain, so the new intersection point must /be/ the rollback point. If that rollback point lies on our fragment (and hence is within @k@), all is good; otherwise, we disconnect.


    • We could additionally (and optionally) check that they do not roll back more than k, and if they do, treat them as adversarial (disconnect). (This is anyway limited by maximum rollback supported by the ChainState.)
    • This might mean we could disconnect from peers that do unnecessary rollbacks; we consider this acceptable (they should not be doing that in the first place).


Our fragment is always k long (unless near genesis or data loss), so no trimming needed. However, to avoid unbounded memory usage, we should trim their fragment.

We have established that the intersection between their chain and our chain must lie on both fragments, and moreover, that this intersection will be within k from our tip; since our fragment is k long, it means the intersection will be somewhere along our fragment.

This means that we should allow the remote node to roll back from its current intersection point with our fragment to any (earlier) point on our fragment, but we do not need to allow it to roll back more than that. This means we can always trim their fragment so that it is anchored at our anchor point.

  • In the common case that both nodes are following the same chain and both up to date, this would leave both fragments identical.
  • In the extreme case that they are k behind, it would leave their fragment empty.
  • More generally, this may leave their fragment shorter than k, thus not allowing them their full rollback. However, this is okay: if their fragment is shorter than k due to trimming to our anchor point, and they do roll back to a point before their fragment, this new intersection point would be too far from our tip, and we should disconnect from them.
  • This places a bound on the length of their fragment: the ChainState will place a limitation on how far into the future we can validate headers; for PBFT this is 2k from the intersection point. In the worst case (in terms of fragment length) the intersection point is the tip, and so the longest fragment we will ever have in memory is 3k headers.
  • We could, if needed, bind this more tightly still; as long as we have a sufficient number of headers to determine if their chain is preferred over ours (this needs careful consideration when adopting genesis).


  1. See the Glossary 2