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What is Ouroboros Consensus?

Ouroboros is the name of a family of Proof-of-Stake consensus protocols which provides foundation for Cardano and other blockchains. Distributed Consensus is the mechanism through which a single, linear, eventually consistent, chain of blocks is established among all participants of the network. This website aims to provide a comprehensive and detailed technical documentation about the implementation of Ouroboros which is at the heart of Cardano.


This documentation is a work-in-progress, please feel free to raise issues and contribute on GitHub repository should you find missing or inaccurate information.

Very High-Level Motivation

The Consensus component allows a network of Cardano node to agree on a single (block) chain. To this end, this component implements the Ouroboros family of consensus protocols.

Another functional requirement is that the network should diffuse blocks and transactions as rapidly as possible. Also the network should be very difficult to disrupt. For example, a successful denial of service attack should be prohibitively expensive to execute. The Consensus layer must contribute to these goals.

Whenever the Ouroboros protocol specifies that (a stake pool operating) a particular node should lead, that node should extend the best chain it has seen so far by minting a new block. A newly forged block should contain as many valid transactions as possible.

The primary data handled by this component are blocks and transactions, the validity of which is determined by the ledger rules. The Consensus layer in combination with the Network layer implement a filtering forwarding network. Specifically, Consensus determines which blocks propagate between neighboring nodes (those on the best chain).

The Ouroboros research papers that formalize the different protocols (such as Praos) contain proofs that:

  • the honest nodes will all continually and eventually agree on what the best chain is (unless an adversary controls more than half of the network's stake).
  • the best chain grows over time.

The Consensus Layer defines the core Consensus components and logic, notably the Ouroboros protocol. See References.

The Neighbors of Consensus

The Consensus Layer integrates the Consensus core with the Network Layer and the Ledger Layer. We therefore work closely with the Network and Ledger teams.

The Network Layer manages the nodes' connections to its neighbors. So it ultimately provides communication channels to the Consensus Layer, while the Consensus Layer reports back to it if a neighbor has misbehaved etc. The Network Layer also provides the library used to define the Consensus Layer's client and server state machines that let each connected pair of nodes exchange messages according to the various mini protocols (cf typed-protocols package).

The Consensus Layer uses the ledger rules to validate blocks and transactions and apply them in order to maintain the ledger state. The Consensus Layer in turn needs the ledger state in order to determine when a node is allowed to mint a block, ie the leader schedule.

The primary use of the Consensus Layer is the Cardano node. This is what IOG actually deploys on the live Cardano mainnet. Such a node runs the full Ouroboros protocol and mints new blocks. Secondary uses include the Cardano wallet and Cardano DB sync, which connect to a proper node and only follow and trust its chain selection. For example, these uses involve problem-specific queries of the latest ledger state.