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Abstract Protocol



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Key Type Families and Classes

The following diagram depicts the relation between various constructs in the abstract specification of the protocol and the consensus-level view of the ledger.

  • Red boxes indicate concepts, or informal kinds (e.g., ShelleyLedgerState would have the informal kind Ledger).
  • Blue boxes indicate data families.
  • Green boxes indicate type families.
  • Type and data families map the box attached to the incoming arrow to the box attached to the outgoing arrow. Where there is no outgoing arrow, the family maps to any type (e.g., BlockConfig blk).

Birds Eye Overview of Consensus Types (Galois)

See Diagrammatic Conventions

Type Families (standalone and associated types)

From inspecting the directions of the arrows, it should be clear that b :: B fully determines---directly or indirectly---all the other types.

 P[rotocol]                       B[lock]                       L[edger]                     -- (the P,B,L "kinds")
=== === ===
p ──(ConsensusConfig :: P*)──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────▶ cc{- static-}
p ◀──(BlockProtocol :: BP)──── blk ──(BlockConfig :: B*)────────────────────────────────▶ bc{- config-}
blk(LedgerState :: BL)─▶ l ──(LedgerCfg :: L*)────────▶ lc{- data -}

blk(LedgerState :: BL)─▶ l ──(AuxLedgerEvent :: L*)─▶ lev -- events emitted by ledger
l ──(LedgerErr :: L*)───────▶ lerr -- errors when updating ledger

blk ──(CodecConfig :: B*)────▶ codecc -- for serialisation and deserialisation
blk ──(StorageConfig :: B*)────▶ sc -- for (re)initializing the Storage Layer
blk ──(Header :: B*)────▶ hdr -- link block to its header

blk,l ──(HeaderHash :: **)────▶ hash -- link block/ledger to a hash

p ──(ChainDepState :: P*)──> cds -- protocol specific state (part that depends on the chain), would rollback when chain does
p ──(IsLeader :: P*)──> isldr -- evidence that a node /is/ the leader
p ──(CanBeLeader :: P*)──> cbldr -- evidence that we /can/ be leader
p ──(SelectView :: P*)──> hdrVwCS -- projection of header used for chain selection (using 'Ord hdrVwCS'); often 'BlockNo'
p ──(ValidateView :: P*)──> hdrVwHV -- projection of header used for header validation (not full block validation)
p ──(LedgerView :: P*)──> ledvw -- projection of the ledger state ('l') that is required by the protocol
p ──(ValidationErr :: P*)──> valerr -- the error result when failing to add new header to 'cds'

s ───(Ticked :: **)───▶ s' -- time related changes applied to some state ('l', 'ledvw', 'cds')

blk ───(GenTx :: B*)──────────────────────▶ tx -- generalized transactions
blk ───(ApplyTxErr :: B*)─────────────────▶ txerr -- errors

blk,tx ───(Validated :: **)───────────────▶ valb,valtx -- add proof of validity to b;l,tx

Type Constructors That are Type-Generic

These type constructors effectively function as type families (as type families are used in their definitions): (This list is not exhaustive of all such types.)

                                  blk ────(Point :: B*)─────────▶ point    -- newtype ... -- a point on the chain: hash & slotno

blk ────(LedgerConfig :: B*)─────────▶ lc -- type LedgerConfig blk = LedgerCfg (LedgerState blk)
blk ────(LedgerError :: B*)─────────▶ lerr -- type LedgerError blk = LedgerErr (LedgerState blk)
blk ────(TickedLedgerState :: B*)────▶ tls -- type TickedLedgerState blk = Ticked (LedgerState blk)

blk,l ──(HeaderFields :: **)──────▶ data .. = .. SlotNo .. BlockNo .. HeaderHash blk ..
blk ────(ChainHash :: B*)─────────▶ data ChainHash blk = GenesisHash | BlockHash !(HeaderHash blk)

Key Type Classes

The main ConsensusProtocol class:

  class Ord (SelectView p) => ConsensusProtocol p where
type family {ChainDepState, IsLeader, CanBeLeader, SelectView, LedgerView, ValidationErr, ValidateView} :: P*
checkIsLeader :: cccbldrSlotNoTicked cdsMaybe isldr -- 'Just evidence' when we can lead this slot
tickChainDepState :: ccTicked ledvwSlotNocdsTicked cds -- update the 'cds' based on passage of time (SlotNo)
updateChainDepState :: cchdrVwHVSlotNoTicked cdsExcept valerr cds -- apply header to 'cds' (may error; leader check + etc.)
reupdateChainDepState :: cchdrVwHVSlotNoTicked cdscds -- re-apply header to 'cds' (never errors)
protocolSecurityParam :: ccSecurityParam -- get security parameter 'k'

Classes connected to headers and blocks:

 class (StandardHash blk, Typeable blk) => HasHeader blk where -- abstract over block headers
getHeaderFields :: blkHeaderFields blk -- i.e., return three fields: slot, blockno, hash

class HasHeader (Header blk) => GetHeader blk where
getHeader :: blkHeader blk -- extract header from the block
blockMatchesHeader :: Header blkblkBool -- check if the header is the header of the block
headerIsEBB :: Header blkMaybe EpochNo -- when the header of an Epoch Boundary Block (EBB), ...

class (HasHeader blk, GetHeader blk) => GetPrevHash blk where
headerPrevHash :: Header blkChainHash blk -- get the hash of predecessor

-- construct the two views on block 'b' required by protocol 'p'
class (GetPrevHash blk, ConsensusProtocol p) => BlockSupportsProtocol blk where
validateView :: bcHeader blkValidateView p -- project from hdr for hdr validation
selectView :: bcHeader blkSelectView p -- project from hdr for chain selection

Classes connected to ledgers:

  class GetTip l where
getTip :: lPoint l -- Point of the most recently applied block

class (GetTip l, GetTip (Ticked l)) => IsLedger l where
type family LedgerErr l :: Type
type family AuxLedgerEvent l :: Type
applyChainTickLedgerResult :: lcSlotNolLedgerResult l (Ticked l) -- apply slot based state transformations (tip unchanged)

class (IsLedger l, HeaderHash l ~ HeaderHash blk, HasHeader blk, HasHeader (Header blk)) => ApplyBlock l blk where
applyBlockLedgerResult :: lcblkTicked lExcept (LedgerErr l) (LedgerResult l l)
reapplyBlockLedgerResult :: lcblkTicked lLedgerResult l l

class ApplyBlock (LedgerState blk) blk => UpdateLedger blk where

-- | Link protocol to ledger
class (BlockSupportsProtocol blk, UpdateLedger blk, ValidateEnvelope blk) => LedgerSupportsProtocol blk where
protocolLedgerView :: lcTicked lledvw -- 'ledvw' ('LedgerView (BlockProtocol blk)') extracted from the ledger
ledgerViewForecastAt :: lclForecast ledvw -- get a forecast (of future 'ledvw's) from a given ledger state.

class (UpdateLedger blk) => LedgerSupportsMempool blk where
txInvariant :: GenTx blkBool -- check if internal invariants of the transaction hold
applyTx :: lcWhetherToInterveneSlotNotxtlsExcept txerr (tls, Validated tx) -- apply an unvalidated transaction
reapplyTx :: lcSlotNoValidated txtlsExcept txerr tls -- apply a previously validated transaction ...
txsMaxBytes :: tlsWord32 -- max number of bytes of transactions that can be put into a block
txInBlockSize :: txWord32 -- post-serialisation size in bytes of a 'GenTx blk'
txForgetValidated :: Validated txtx -- discard the evidence that transaction has been previously validated

Some Commonly Used Base Types (from pkgs ouroboros-consensus, cardano-base, and ouroboros-network)

data Forecast a =
Forecast { forecastAt :: WithOrigin SlotNo -- Forecast a - Forecast the effect
, forecastFor :: SlotNo -> Except OutsideForecastRange (Ticked a) -- of time ticking

data LedgerResult l a = LedgerResult { lrEvents :: [AuxLedgerEvent l] -- LedgerResult l a - The result of invoking
, lrResult :: !a -- a ledger function that does validation

data WithOrigin t = Origin | At !t

newtype SlotNo = SlotNo {unSlotNo :: Word64} -- SlotNo - The 0-based index for the Ourboros time slot.

data ChainHash b = GenesisHash | BlockHash !(HeaderHash blk)

data HeaderFields b = HeaderFields { headerFieldSlot :: SlotNo -- HeaderFields - fields we expect
, headerFieldBlockNo :: BlockNo -- to be present in
, headerFieldHash :: HeaderHash blk -- a block.

-- | A point on the chain is identified by its 'Slot' and 'HeaderHash'.
newtype Point blk = Point { getPoint :: WithOrigin (Point.Block SlotNo (HeaderHash blk)) }

-- Point is commonly "viewed" as the following:
pattern GenesisPoint :: Point blk
pattern GenesisPoint = Point Origin
pattern BlockPoint :: SlotNo -> HeaderHash blk -> Point blk
pattern BlockPoint { atSlot, withHash } = Point (At (Point.Block atSlot withHash))
{-# COMPLETE GenesisPoint, BlockPoint #-}

And Some Commonly Used Projections

blockHash :: HasHeader blk => blk -> HeaderHash blk
blockHash = headerFieldHash . getHeaderFields

blockSlot :: HasHeader blk => blk -> SlotNo
blockSlot = headerFieldSlot . getHeaderFields

blockNo :: HasHeader blk => blk -> BlockNo
blockNo = headerFieldBlockNo . getHeaderFields

Diagrammatic Conventions

  • Code should all be viewed fixed-font, at least 140 chars wide.

  • Regarding P, B, L

    • these are not kinds in the code, but "morally equivalent", created for the sake of documentation.
    • p, blk, and l are used as type names, respectively elements of the P, B, and L kinds.
  • Associated types are not being distinguished from standalone type families.

  • NOTE: For the sake of line-width, or clarity, "type variables" are sometimes used in place of "type-functions applied to variables". This should not result in ambiguity. E.g.,

    • p in place of BlockProtocol blk
    • cds in place of ChainDepState p
  • a ───(X :: A→B)───▶ b should be interpreted as type family X A :: B or data family X A :: B, where a and b are typical names for the type family's index and result, respectively.

  • To reduce the "noise", these type-class constraints are being ignored: NoThunks, Eq, Show, HasCallStack; Ord is not being ignored.