{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Ouroboros.Consensus.HardFork.History.EraParams (
EraParams (..)
, SafeZone (..)
, defaultEraParams
) where
import Cardano.Binary (enforceSize)
import Codec.CBOR.Decoding (Decoder, decodeListLen, decodeWord8)
import Codec.CBOR.Encoding (Encoding, encodeListLen, encodeWord8)
import Codec.Serialise (Serialise (..))
import Control.Monad (void)
import Data.Word
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import NoThunks.Class (NoThunks)
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Block
import Ouroboros.Consensus.BlockchainTime.WallClock.Types
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Config.SecurityParam
data EraParams = EraParams {
EraParams -> EpochSize
eraEpochSize :: !EpochSize
, EraParams -> SlotLength
eraSlotLength :: !SlotLength
, EraParams -> SafeZone
eraSafeZone :: !SafeZone
, EraParams -> GenesisWindow
eraGenesisWin :: !GenesisWindow
deriving stock (Int -> EraParams -> ShowS
[EraParams] -> ShowS
EraParams -> String
(Int -> EraParams -> ShowS)
-> (EraParams -> String)
-> ([EraParams] -> ShowS)
-> Show EraParams
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
$cshowsPrec :: Int -> EraParams -> ShowS
showsPrec :: Int -> EraParams -> ShowS
$cshow :: EraParams -> String
show :: EraParams -> String
$cshowList :: [EraParams] -> ShowS
showList :: [EraParams] -> ShowS
Show, EraParams -> EraParams -> Bool
(EraParams -> EraParams -> Bool)
-> (EraParams -> EraParams -> Bool) -> Eq EraParams
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
$c== :: EraParams -> EraParams -> Bool
== :: EraParams -> EraParams -> Bool
$c/= :: EraParams -> EraParams -> Bool
/= :: EraParams -> EraParams -> Bool
Eq, (forall x. EraParams -> Rep EraParams x)
-> (forall x. Rep EraParams x -> EraParams) -> Generic EraParams
forall x. Rep EraParams x -> EraParams
forall x. EraParams -> Rep EraParams x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
$cfrom :: forall x. EraParams -> Rep EraParams x
from :: forall x. EraParams -> Rep EraParams x
$cto :: forall x. Rep EraParams x -> EraParams
to :: forall x. Rep EraParams x -> EraParams
deriving anyclass (Context -> EraParams -> IO (Maybe ThunkInfo)
Proxy EraParams -> String
(Context -> EraParams -> IO (Maybe ThunkInfo))
-> (Context -> EraParams -> IO (Maybe ThunkInfo))
-> (Proxy EraParams -> String)
-> NoThunks EraParams
forall a.
(Context -> a -> IO (Maybe ThunkInfo))
-> (Context -> a -> IO (Maybe ThunkInfo))
-> (Proxy a -> String)
-> NoThunks a
$cnoThunks :: Context -> EraParams -> IO (Maybe ThunkInfo)
noThunks :: Context -> EraParams -> IO (Maybe ThunkInfo)
$cwNoThunks :: Context -> EraParams -> IO (Maybe ThunkInfo)
wNoThunks :: Context -> EraParams -> IO (Maybe ThunkInfo)
$cshowTypeOf :: Proxy EraParams -> String
showTypeOf :: Proxy EraParams -> String
defaultEraParams :: SecurityParam -> SlotLength -> EraParams
defaultEraParams :: SecurityParam -> SlotLength -> EraParams
defaultEraParams (SecurityParam Word64
k) SlotLength
slotLength = EraParams {
eraEpochSize :: EpochSize
eraEpochSize = Word64 -> EpochSize
EpochSize (Word64
k Word64 -> Word64 -> Word64
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
* Word64
, eraSlotLength :: SlotLength
eraSlotLength = SlotLength
, eraSafeZone :: SafeZone
eraSafeZone = Word64 -> SafeZone
StandardSafeZone (Word64
k Word64 -> Word64 -> Word64
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
* Word64
, eraGenesisWin :: GenesisWindow
eraGenesisWin = Word64 -> GenesisWindow
GenesisWindow (Word64
k Word64 -> Word64 -> Word64
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
* Word64
data SafeZone =
StandardSafeZone !Word64
| UnsafeIndefiniteSafeZone
deriving stock (Int -> SafeZone -> ShowS
[SafeZone] -> ShowS
SafeZone -> String
(Int -> SafeZone -> ShowS)
-> (SafeZone -> String) -> ([SafeZone] -> ShowS) -> Show SafeZone
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
$cshowsPrec :: Int -> SafeZone -> ShowS
showsPrec :: Int -> SafeZone -> ShowS
$cshow :: SafeZone -> String
show :: SafeZone -> String
$cshowList :: [SafeZone] -> ShowS
showList :: [SafeZone] -> ShowS
Show, SafeZone -> SafeZone -> Bool
(SafeZone -> SafeZone -> Bool)
-> (SafeZone -> SafeZone -> Bool) -> Eq SafeZone
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
$c== :: SafeZone -> SafeZone -> Bool
== :: SafeZone -> SafeZone -> Bool
$c/= :: SafeZone -> SafeZone -> Bool
/= :: SafeZone -> SafeZone -> Bool
Eq, (forall x. SafeZone -> Rep SafeZone x)
-> (forall x. Rep SafeZone x -> SafeZone) -> Generic SafeZone
forall x. Rep SafeZone x -> SafeZone
forall x. SafeZone -> Rep SafeZone x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
$cfrom :: forall x. SafeZone -> Rep SafeZone x
from :: forall x. SafeZone -> Rep SafeZone x
$cto :: forall x. Rep SafeZone x -> SafeZone
to :: forall x. Rep SafeZone x -> SafeZone
deriving anyclass (Context -> SafeZone -> IO (Maybe ThunkInfo)
Proxy SafeZone -> String
(Context -> SafeZone -> IO (Maybe ThunkInfo))
-> (Context -> SafeZone -> IO (Maybe ThunkInfo))
-> (Proxy SafeZone -> String)
-> NoThunks SafeZone
forall a.
(Context -> a -> IO (Maybe ThunkInfo))
-> (Context -> a -> IO (Maybe ThunkInfo))
-> (Proxy a -> String)
-> NoThunks a
$cnoThunks :: Context -> SafeZone -> IO (Maybe ThunkInfo)
noThunks :: Context -> SafeZone -> IO (Maybe ThunkInfo)
$cwNoThunks :: Context -> SafeZone -> IO (Maybe ThunkInfo)
wNoThunks :: Context -> SafeZone -> IO (Maybe ThunkInfo)
$cshowTypeOf :: Proxy SafeZone -> String
showTypeOf :: Proxy SafeZone -> String
instance Serialise SafeZone where
encode :: SafeZone -> Encoding
encode = \case
StandardSafeZone Word64
safeFromTip -> [Encoding] -> Encoding
forall a. Monoid a => [a] -> a
mconcat [
Word -> Encoding
encodeListLen Word
, Word8 -> Encoding
encodeWord8 Word8
, Word64 -> Encoding
forall a. Serialise a => a -> Encoding
encode Word64
, Encoding
UnsafeIndefiniteSafeZone -> [Encoding] -> Encoding
forall a. Monoid a => [a] -> a
mconcat [
Word -> Encoding
encodeListLen Word
, Word8 -> Encoding
encodeWord8 Word8
decode :: forall s. Decoder s SafeZone
decode = do
size <- Decoder s Int
forall s. Decoder s Int
tag <- Decoder s Word8
forall s. Decoder s Word8
case (Int
size, Word8
tag) of
3, Word8
0) -> Word64 -> SafeZone
StandardSafeZone (Word64 -> SafeZone) -> Decoder s Word64 -> Decoder s SafeZone
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Decoder s Word64
forall s. Decoder s Word64
forall a s. Serialise a => Decoder s a
decode Decoder s SafeZone -> Decoder s () -> Decoder s SafeZone
forall a b. Decoder s a -> Decoder s b -> Decoder s a
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f a -> f b -> f a
<* Decoder s ()
forall s. Decoder s ()
1, Word8
1) -> SafeZone -> Decoder s SafeZone
forall a. a -> Decoder s a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return SafeZone
(Int, Word8)
_ -> String -> Decoder s SafeZone
forall a. String -> Decoder s a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadFail m => String -> m a
fail (String -> Decoder s SafeZone) -> String -> Decoder s SafeZone
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ String
"SafeZone: invalid size and tag " String -> ShowS
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> (Int, Word8) -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
show (Int
size, Word8
encodeSafeBeforeEpoch :: Encoding
encodeSafeBeforeEpoch :: Encoding
encodeSafeBeforeEpoch = Word -> Encoding
encodeListLen Word
1 Encoding -> Encoding -> Encoding
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Word8 -> Encoding
encodeWord8 Word8
decodeSafeBeforeEpoch :: Decoder s ()
decodeSafeBeforeEpoch :: forall s. Decoder s ()
decodeSafeBeforeEpoch = do
size <- Decoder s Int
forall s. Decoder s Int
tag <- Decoder s Word8
forall s. Decoder s Word8
case (Int
size, Word8
tag) of
1, Word8
0) -> () -> Decoder s ()
forall a. a -> Decoder s a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()
2, Word8
1) -> Decoder s EpochNo -> Decoder s ()
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Functor f => f a -> f ()
void (Decoder s EpochNo -> Decoder s ())
-> Decoder s EpochNo -> Decoder s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall a s. Serialise a => Decoder s a
decode @EpochNo
(Int, Word8)
_ -> String -> Decoder s ()
forall a. String -> Decoder s a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadFail m => String -> m a
fail (String -> Decoder s ()) -> String -> Decoder s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ String
"SafeBeforeEpoch: invalid size and tag " String -> ShowS
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> (Int, Word8) -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
show (Int
size, Word8
instance Serialise EraParams where
encode :: EraParams -> Encoding
encode EraParams{EpochSize
eraEpochSize :: EraParams -> EpochSize
eraSlotLength :: EraParams -> SlotLength
eraSafeZone :: EraParams -> SafeZone
eraGenesisWin :: EraParams -> GenesisWindow
eraEpochSize :: EpochSize
eraSlotLength :: SlotLength
eraSafeZone :: SafeZone
eraGenesisWin :: GenesisWindow
..} = [Encoding] -> Encoding
forall a. Monoid a => [a] -> a
mconcat ([Encoding] -> Encoding) -> [Encoding] -> Encoding
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [
Word -> Encoding
encodeListLen Word
, Word64 -> Encoding
forall a. Serialise a => a -> Encoding
encode (EpochSize -> Word64
unEpochSize EpochSize
, SlotLength -> Encoding
forall a. Serialise a => a -> Encoding
encode SlotLength
, SafeZone -> Encoding
forall a. Serialise a => a -> Encoding
encode SafeZone
, Word64 -> Encoding
forall a. Serialise a => a -> Encoding
encode (GenesisWindow -> Word64
unGenesisWindow GenesisWindow
decode :: forall s. Decoder s EraParams
decode = do
Text -> Int -> Decoder s ()
forall s. Text -> Int -> Decoder s ()
enforceSize Text
"EraParams" Int
eraEpochSize <- Word64 -> EpochSize
EpochSize (Word64 -> EpochSize) -> Decoder s Word64 -> Decoder s EpochSize
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Decoder s Word64
forall s. Decoder s Word64
forall a s. Serialise a => Decoder s a
eraSlotLength <- Decoder s SlotLength
forall s. Decoder s SlotLength
forall a s. Serialise a => Decoder s a
eraSafeZone <- Decoder s SafeZone
forall s. Decoder s SafeZone
forall a s. Serialise a => Decoder s a
eraGenesisWin <- Word64 -> GenesisWindow
GenesisWindow (Word64 -> GenesisWindow)
-> Decoder s Word64 -> Decoder s GenesisWindow
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Decoder s Word64
forall s. Decoder s Word64
forall a s. Serialise a => Decoder s a
EraParams -> Decoder s EraParams
forall a. a -> Decoder s a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return EraParams{EpochSize
eraEpochSize :: EpochSize
eraSlotLength :: SlotLength
eraSafeZone :: SafeZone
eraGenesisWin :: GenesisWindow
eraEpochSize :: EpochSize
eraSlotLength :: SlotLength
eraSafeZone :: SafeZone
eraGenesisWin :: GenesisWindow