Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Background tasks:
- Copying blocks from the VolatileDB to the ImmutableDB
- Performing and scheduling garbage collections on the VolatileDB
- Writing snapshots of the LedgerDB to disk and deleting old ones
- Executing scheduled chain selections
- launchBgTasks ∷ ∀ m blk. (IOLike m, LedgerSupportsProtocol blk, BlockSupportsDiffusionPipelining blk, InspectLedger blk, HasHardForkHistory blk, LgrDbSerialiseConstraints blk) ⇒ ChainDbEnv m blk → Word64 → m ()
- copyAndSnapshotRunner ∷ ∀ m blk. (IOLike m, ConsensusProtocol (BlockProtocol blk), HasHeader blk, GetHeader blk, IsLedger (LedgerState blk), LgrDbSerialiseConstraints blk) ⇒ ChainDbEnv m blk → GcSchedule m → Word64 → Fuse m → m Void
- copyToImmutableDB ∷ ∀ m blk. (IOLike m, ConsensusProtocol (BlockProtocol blk), HasHeader blk, GetHeader blk, HasCallStack) ⇒ ChainDbEnv m blk → Electric m (WithOrigin SlotNo)
- updateLedgerSnapshots ∷ (IOLike m, LgrDbSerialiseConstraints blk, HasHeader blk, IsLedger (LedgerState blk)) ⇒ ChainDbEnv m blk → m ()
- garbageCollect ∷ ∀ m blk. IOLike m ⇒ ChainDbEnv m blk → SlotNo → m ()
- data GcParams = GcParams {}
- data GcSchedule m
- computeTimeForGC ∷ GcParams → Time → Time
- gcScheduleRunner ∷ ∀ m. IOLike m ⇒ GcSchedule m → (SlotNo → m ()) → m Void
- newGcSchedule ∷ IOLike m ⇒ m (GcSchedule m)
- scheduleGC ∷ ∀ m blk. IOLike m ⇒ Tracer m (TraceGCEvent blk) → SlotNo → GcParams → GcSchedule m → m ()
- data ScheduledGc = ScheduledGc {}
- dumpGcSchedule ∷ IOLike m ⇒ GcSchedule m → STM m [ScheduledGc]
- addBlockRunner ∷ (IOLike m, LedgerSupportsProtocol blk, BlockSupportsDiffusionPipelining blk, InspectLedger blk, HasHardForkHistory blk, HasCallStack) ⇒ Fuse m → ChainDbEnv m blk → m Void
Launch background tasks
∷ ∀ m blk. (IOLike m, LedgerSupportsProtocol blk, BlockSupportsDiffusionPipelining blk, InspectLedger blk, HasHardForkHistory blk, LgrDbSerialiseConstraints blk) | |
⇒ ChainDbEnv m blk | |
→ Word64 | Number of immutable blocks replayed on ledger DB startup |
→ m () |
Copying blocks from the VolatileDB to the ImmutableDB
copyAndSnapshotRunner Source #
∷ ∀ m blk. (IOLike m, ConsensusProtocol (BlockProtocol blk), HasHeader blk, GetHeader blk, IsLedger (LedgerState blk), LgrDbSerialiseConstraints blk) | |
⇒ ChainDbEnv m blk | |
→ GcSchedule m | |
→ Word64 | Number of immutable blocks replayed on ledger DB startup |
→ Fuse m | |
→ m Void |
Copy blocks from the VolatileDB to ImmutableDB and take snapshots of the LgrDB
We watch the chain for changes. Whenever the chain is longer than k
, then
the headers older than k
are copied from the VolatileDB to the ImmutableDB
(using copyToImmutableDB
). Once that is complete,
- We periodically take a snapshot of the LgrDB (depending on its config). When enough blocks (depending on its config) have been replayed during startup, a snapshot of the replayed LgrDB will be written to disk at the start of this function. NOTE: After this initial snapshot we do not take a snapshot of the LgrDB until the chain has changed again, irrespective of the LgrDB policy.
- Schedule GC of the VolatileDB (
) for theSlotNo
of the most recent block that was copied.
It is important that we only take LgrDB snapshots when are are sure they have been copied to the ImmutableDB, since the LgrDB assumes that all snapshots correspond to immutable blocks. (Of course, data corruption can occur and we can handle it by reverting to an older LgrDB snapshot, but we should need this only in exceptional circumstances.)
We do not store any state of the VolatileDB GC. If the node shuts down before
GC can happen, when we restart the node and schedule the next GC, it will
imply any previously scheduled GC, since GC is driven by slot number
("garbage collect anything older than x
copyToImmutableDB ∷ ∀ m blk. (IOLike m, ConsensusProtocol (BlockProtocol blk), HasHeader blk, GetHeader blk, HasCallStack) ⇒ ChainDbEnv m blk → Electric m (WithOrigin SlotNo) Source #
Copy the blocks older than k
from the VolatileDB to the ImmutableDB.
These headers of these blocks can be retrieved by dropping the k
recent blocks from the fragment stored in cdbChain
The copied blocks are removed from the fragment stored in cdbChain
This function does not remove blocks from the VolatileDB.
The SlotNo
of the tip of the ImmutableDB after copying the blocks is
returned. This can be used for a garbage collection on the VolatileDB.
updateLedgerSnapshots ∷ (IOLike m, LgrDbSerialiseConstraints blk, HasHeader blk, IsLedger (LedgerState blk)) ⇒ ChainDbEnv m blk → m () Source #
Write a snapshot of the LedgerDB to disk and remove old snapshots
(typically one) so that only onDiskNumSnapshots
snapshots are on disk.
Executing garbage collection
garbageCollect ∷ ∀ m blk. IOLike m ⇒ ChainDbEnv m blk → SlotNo → m () Source #
Trigger a garbage collection for blocks older than the given SlotNo
the VolatileDB.
Also removes the corresponding cached "previously applied points" from the LedgerDB.
This is thread-safe as the VolatileDB locks itself while performing a GC.
When calling this function it is critical that the blocks that will be
garbage collected, which are determined by the slotNo
parameter, have
already been copied to the immutable DB (if they are part of the current
TODO will a long GC be a bottleneck? It will block any other calls to
and getBlock
Scheduling garbage collections
GcParams | |
data GcSchedule m Source #
Scheduled garbage collections
When a block has been copied to the ImmutableDB, we schedule a VolatileDB
garbage collection for the slot corresponding to the block in the future.
How far in the future is determined by the gcDelay
parameter. The goal is
to allow some overlap so that the write to the ImmutableDB will have been
flushed to disk before the block is removed from the VolatileDB.
We store scheduled garbage collections in a LIFO queue. Since the queue
will be very short (see further down for why) and entries are more often
added (at the block sync speed by a single thread) than removed (once every
), we simply use a StrictSeq
stored in a TVar
to make
reasoning and testing easier. Entries are enqueued at the end (right) and
dequeued from the head (left).
The Time
s in the queue will be monotonically increasing. A fictional
example (with hh:mm:ss):
[(16:01:12, SlotNo 1012), (16:04:38, SlotNo 1045), ..]
Scheduling a garbage collection with scheduleGC
will add an entry to the
end of the queue for the given slot at the time equal to now
) + the gcDelay
rounded to gcInterval
. Unless the
last entry in the queue was scheduled for the same rounded time, in that
case the new entry replaces the existing entry. The goal of this is to
batch garbage collections so that, when possible, at most one garbage
collection happens every gcInterval
For example, starting with an empty queue and gcDelay = 5min
gcInterval = 10s
At 8:43:22, we schedule a GC for slot 10:
[(8:48:30, SlotNo 10)]
The scheduled time is rounded up to the next interval. Next, at 8:43:24, we schedule a GC for slot 11:
[(8:48:30, SlotNo 11)]
Note that the existing entry is replaced with the new one, as they map to
the same gcInterval
. Instead of two GCs 2 seconds apart, we will only
schedule one GC.
Next, at 8:44:02, we schedule a GC for slot 12:
[(8:48:30, SlotNo 11), (8:49:10, SlotNo 12)]
Now, a new entry was appended to the queue, as it doesn't map to the same
as the last one.
In other words, everything scheduled in the first 10s will be done after 20s. The bounds are the open-closed interval:
(now + gcDelay, now + gcDelay + gcInterval]
Whether we're syncing at high speed or downloading blocks as they are
produced, the length of the queue will be at most ⌈gcDelay / gcInterval⌉ +
, e.g., 5min / 10s = 31 entries. The + 1
is needed because we might be
somewhere in the middle of a gcInterval
The background thread will look at head of the queue and wait until that
has Time
passed. After the wait, it will pop off the head of the queue
and perform a garbage collection for the SlotNo
in the head. Note that
the SlotNo
before the wait can be different from the one after the wait,
precisely because of batching.
∷ ∀ m. IOLike m | |
⇒ GcSchedule m | |
→ (SlotNo → m ()) | GC function |
→ m Void |
newGcSchedule ∷ IOLike m ⇒ m (GcSchedule m) Source #
∷ ∀ m blk. IOLike m | |
⇒ Tracer m (TraceGCEvent blk) | |
→ SlotNo | The slot to use for garbage collection |
→ GcParams | |
→ GcSchedule m | |
→ m () |
data ScheduledGc Source #
ScheduledGc | |
dumpGcSchedule ∷ IOLike m ⇒ GcSchedule m → STM m [ScheduledGc] Source #
Return the current contents of the GcSchedule
queue without modifying
For testing purposes.
Adding blocks to the ChainDB
addBlockRunner ∷ (IOLike m, LedgerSupportsProtocol blk, BlockSupportsDiffusionPipelining blk, InspectLedger blk, HasHardForkHistory blk, HasCallStack) ⇒ Fuse m → ChainDbEnv m blk → m Void Source #
Read blocks from cdbChainSelQueue
and add them synchronously to the