Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- data HardForkEncoderException where
- class (SingleEraBlock blk, SerialiseDiskConstraints blk, SerialiseNodeToNodeConstraints blk, SerialiseNodeToClientConstraints blk, HasNetworkProtocolVersion blk) ⇒ SerialiseConstraintsHFC blk
- class (CanHardFork xs, All SerialiseConstraintsHFC xs, All (Compose Show EraNodeToClientVersion) xs, All (Compose Eq EraNodeToClientVersion) xs, All (Compose Show WrapNodeToNodeVersion) xs, All (Compose Eq WrapNodeToNodeVersion) xs, All (EncodeDiskDepIx (NestedCtxt Header)) xs, All (DecodeDiskDepIx (NestedCtxt Header)) xs, All HasBinaryBlockInfo xs) ⇒ SerialiseHFC xs where
- encodeDiskHfcBlock ∷ CodecConfig (HardForkBlock xs) → HardForkBlock xs → Encoding
- decodeDiskHfcBlock ∷ CodecConfig (HardForkBlock xs) → ∀ s. Decoder s (ByteString → HardForkBlock xs)
- reconstructHfcPrefixLen ∷ proxy (Header (HardForkBlock xs)) → PrefixLen
- reconstructHfcNestedCtxt ∷ proxy (Header (HardForkBlock xs)) → ShortByteString → SizeInBytes → SomeSecond (NestedCtxt Header) (HardForkBlock xs)
- getHfcBinaryBlockInfo ∷ HardForkBlock xs → BinaryBlockInfo
- estimateHfcBlockSize ∷ Header (HardForkBlock xs) → SizeInBytes
- disabledEraException ∷ ∀ blk. SingleEraBlock blk ⇒ Proxy blk → HardForkEncoderException
- futureEraException ∷ SListI xs ⇒ NS SingleEraInfo xs → HardForkEncoderException
- pSHFC ∷ Proxy SerialiseConstraintsHFC
- type family FirstEra (xs ∷ [Type]) where ...
- type family LaterEra (xs ∷ [Type]) where ...
- isFirstEra ∷ ∀ f xs. All SingleEraBlock xs ⇒ NS f xs → Either (NS SingleEraInfo (LaterEra xs)) (f (FirstEra xs))
- notFirstEra ∷ All SingleEraBlock xs ⇒ NS f xs → NS SingleEraInfo xs
- data EraNodeToClientVersion blk
- data HardForkNodeToClientVersion xs where
- data HardForkNodeToNodeVersion xs where
- data HardForkSpecificNodeToClientVersion = HardForkSpecificNodeToClientVersion3
- data HardForkSpecificNodeToNodeVersion = HardForkSpecificNodeToNodeVersion1
- isHardForkNodeToClientEnabled ∷ HardForkNodeToClientVersion xs → Bool
- isHardForkNodeToNodeEnabled ∷ HardForkNodeToNodeVersion xs → Bool
- data AnnDecoder f blk = AnnDecoder {
- annDecoder ∷ ∀ s. Decoder s (ByteString → f blk)
- decodeTelescope ∷ NP (Decoder s :.: f) xs → Decoder s (HardForkState f xs)
- encodeTelescope ∷ SListI xs ⇒ NP (f -.-> K Encoding) xs → HardForkState f xs → Encoding
- decodeAnnNS ∷ SListI xs ⇒ NP (AnnDecoder f) xs → ∀ s. Decoder s (ByteString → NS f xs)
- decodeNS ∷ SListI xs ⇒ NP (Decoder s :.: f) xs → Decoder s (NS f xs)
- encodeNS ∷ SListI xs ⇒ NP (f -.-> K Encoding) xs → NS f xs → Encoding
- decodeNested ∷ All (DecodeDiskDep (NestedCtxt f)) xs ⇒ CodecConfig (HardForkBlock xs) → NestedCtxt f (HardForkBlock xs) a → ∀ s. Decoder s (ByteString → a)
- decodeNestedCtxt ∷ All (DecodeDiskDepIx (NestedCtxt f)) xs ⇒ CodecConfig (HardForkBlock xs) → ∀ s. Decoder s (SomeSecond (NestedCtxt f) (HardForkBlock xs))
- encodeNested ∷ All (EncodeDiskDep (NestedCtxt f)) xs ⇒ CodecConfig (HardForkBlock xs) → NestedCtxt f (HardForkBlock xs) a → a → Encoding
- encodeNestedCtxt ∷ All (EncodeDiskDepIx (NestedCtxt f)) xs ⇒ CodecConfig (HardForkBlock xs) → SomeSecond (NestedCtxt f) (HardForkBlock xs) → Encoding
- decodeEitherMismatch ∷ SListI xs ⇒ BlockNodeToClientVersion (HardForkBlock xs) → Decoder s a → Decoder s (Either (MismatchEraInfo xs) a)
- encodeEitherMismatch ∷ ∀ xs a. SListI xs ⇒ BlockNodeToClientVersion (HardForkBlock xs) → (a → Encoding) → Either (MismatchEraInfo xs) a → Encoding
- distribAnnTip ∷ SListI xs ⇒ AnnTip (HardForkBlock xs) → NS AnnTip xs
- distribQueryIfCurrent ∷ Some (QueryIfCurrent xs) → NS (SomeSecond BlockQuery) xs
- distribSerialisedHeader ∷ SerialisedHeader (HardForkBlock xs) → NS SerialisedHeader xs
- undistribAnnTip ∷ SListI xs ⇒ NS AnnTip xs → AnnTip (HardForkBlock xs)
- undistribQueryIfCurrent ∷ NS (SomeSecond BlockQuery) xs → Some (QueryIfCurrent xs)
- undistribSerialisedHeader ∷ NS SerialisedHeader xs → SerialisedHeader (HardForkBlock xs)
- newtype SerialiseNS f xs = SerialiseNS {
- getSerialiseNS ∷ NS f xs
Conditions required by the HFC to support serialisation
data HardForkEncoderException where Source #
Exception thrown in the HFC encoders
HardForkEncoderFutureEra ∷ SingleEraInfo blk → HardForkEncoderException | HFC disabled, but we saw a value from an era other than the first |
HardForkEncoderDisabledEra ∷ SingleEraInfo blk → HardForkEncoderException | HFC enabled, but we saw a value from a disabled era This is only thrown by the Node-to-Client codec. Two nodes' negotiated
version does not constrain how the distributed chain will evolve, so the
Node-to-Node communication does not need this. The
See |
HardForkEncoderQueryHfcDisabled ∷ HardForkEncoderException | HFC disabled, but we saw a query that is only supported by the HFC |
HardForkEncoderQueryWrongVersion ∷ HardForkEncoderException | HFC enabled, but we saw a HFC query that is not supported by the HFC-specific version used |
class (SingleEraBlock blk, SerialiseDiskConstraints blk, SerialiseNodeToNodeConstraints blk, SerialiseNodeToClientConstraints blk, HasNetworkProtocolVersion blk) ⇒ SerialiseConstraintsHFC blk Source #
class (CanHardFork xs, All SerialiseConstraintsHFC xs, All (Compose Show EraNodeToClientVersion) xs, All (Compose Eq EraNodeToClientVersion) xs, All (Compose Show WrapNodeToNodeVersion) xs, All (Compose Eq WrapNodeToNodeVersion) xs, All (EncodeDiskDepIx (NestedCtxt Header)) xs, All (DecodeDiskDepIx (NestedCtxt Header)) xs, All HasBinaryBlockInfo xs) ⇒ SerialiseHFC xs where Source #
Conditions required by the HFC to provide serialisation
NOTE: Compatibility between HFC enabled and disabled:
- Node-to-node and node-to-client communication is versioned. When the HFC is disabled, we default to the instances for the first era, and so compatibility is preserved by construction.
- On-disk storage is not versioned, and here we make no attempt to be
compatible between non-HFC and HFC deployments, except for blocks: we
define two methods
which are used for on-disk serialisation of blocks. These methods have defaults which can and probably should be used for deployments that use the HFC from the get-go, but for deployments that only later change to use the HFC these functions can be overriden to provide an on-disk storage format for HFC blocks that is compatible with the on-disk storage of blocks from the first era. - The converse is NOT supported. Deployments that use the HFC from the start
should not use
. Doing so would result in opposite compatibility problems: the on-disk block would include the HFC tag, but sending blocks with the HFC disabled suggests that that tag is unexpected. This would then lead to problems with binary streaming, and we do not currently provide any provisions to resolve these.
Minimal complete definition
encodeDiskHfcBlock ∷ CodecConfig (HardForkBlock xs) → HardForkBlock xs → Encoding Source #
decodeDiskHfcBlock ∷ CodecConfig (HardForkBlock xs) → ∀ s. Decoder s (ByteString → HardForkBlock xs) Source #
reconstructHfcPrefixLen ∷ proxy (Header (HardForkBlock xs)) → PrefixLen Source #
Used as the implementation of reconstructPrefixLen
reconstructHfcNestedCtxt Source #
∷ proxy (Header (HardForkBlock xs)) | |
→ ShortByteString | First bytes ( |
→ SizeInBytes | Block size |
→ SomeSecond (NestedCtxt Header) (HardForkBlock xs) |
Used as the implementation of reconstructNestedCtxt
getHfcBinaryBlockInfo ∷ HardForkBlock xs → BinaryBlockInfo Source #
Used as the implementation of getBinaryBlockInfo
estimateHfcBlockSize ∷ Header (HardForkBlock xs) → SizeInBytes Source #
Used as the implementation of estimateBlockSize
for HardForkBlock
disabledEraException ∷ ∀ blk. SingleEraBlock blk ⇒ Proxy blk → HardForkEncoderException Source #
futureEraException ∷ SListI xs ⇒ NS SingleEraInfo xs → HardForkEncoderException Source #
Distinguish first era from the rest
isFirstEra ∷ ∀ f xs. All SingleEraBlock xs ⇒ NS f xs → Either (NS SingleEraInfo (LaterEra xs)) (f (FirstEra xs)) Source #
∷ All SingleEraBlock xs | |
⇒ NS f xs |
→ NS SingleEraInfo xs |
Used to construct FutureEraException
data EraNodeToClientVersion blk Source #
EraNodeToClientEnabled !(BlockNodeToClientVersion blk) | |
EraNodeToClientDisabled |
Show (BlockNodeToClientVersion blk) ⇒ Show (EraNodeToClientVersion blk) Source # | |
Defined in Ouroboros.Consensus.HardFork.Combinator.Serialisation.Common Methods showsPrec ∷ Int → EraNodeToClientVersion blk → ShowS # show ∷ EraNodeToClientVersion blk → String # showList ∷ [EraNodeToClientVersion blk] → ShowS # | |
Eq (BlockNodeToClientVersion blk) ⇒ Eq (EraNodeToClientVersion blk) Source # | |
Defined in Ouroboros.Consensus.HardFork.Combinator.Serialisation.Common Methods (==) ∷ EraNodeToClientVersion blk → EraNodeToClientVersion blk → Bool # (/=) ∷ EraNodeToClientVersion blk → EraNodeToClientVersion blk → Bool # |
data HardForkNodeToClientVersion xs where Source #
HardForkNodeToClientDisabled ∷ BlockNodeToClientVersion x → HardForkNodeToClientVersion (x ': xs) | Disable the HFC |
HardForkNodeToClientEnabled ∷ HardForkSpecificNodeToClientVersion → NP EraNodeToClientVersion xs → HardForkNodeToClientVersion xs | Enable the HFC |
SerialiseHFC xs ⇒ Show (HardForkNodeToClientVersion xs) Source # | |
Defined in Ouroboros.Consensus.HardFork.Combinator.Serialisation.Common Methods showsPrec ∷ Int → HardForkNodeToClientVersion xs → ShowS # show ∷ HardForkNodeToClientVersion xs → String # showList ∷ [HardForkNodeToClientVersion xs] → ShowS # | |
SerialiseHFC xs ⇒ Eq (HardForkNodeToClientVersion xs) Source # | |
Defined in Ouroboros.Consensus.HardFork.Combinator.Serialisation.Common Methods (==) ∷ HardForkNodeToClientVersion xs → HardForkNodeToClientVersion xs → Bool # (/=) ∷ HardForkNodeToClientVersion xs → HardForkNodeToClientVersion xs → Bool # |
data HardForkNodeToNodeVersion xs where Source #
HardForkNodeToNodeDisabled ∷ BlockNodeToNodeVersion x → HardForkNodeToNodeVersion (x ': xs) | Disable the HFC This means that only the first era ( |
HardForkNodeToNodeEnabled ∷ HardForkSpecificNodeToNodeVersion → NP WrapNodeToNodeVersion xs → HardForkNodeToNodeVersion xs | Enable the HFC Serialised values will always include tags inserted by the HFC to
distinguish one era from another. We version the hard-fork specific parts
with |
SerialiseHFC xs ⇒ Show (HardForkNodeToNodeVersion xs) Source # | |
Defined in Ouroboros.Consensus.HardFork.Combinator.Serialisation.Common Methods showsPrec ∷ Int → HardForkNodeToNodeVersion xs → ShowS # show ∷ HardForkNodeToNodeVersion xs → String # showList ∷ [HardForkNodeToNodeVersion xs] → ShowS # | |
SerialiseHFC xs ⇒ Eq (HardForkNodeToNodeVersion xs) Source # | |
Defined in Ouroboros.Consensus.HardFork.Combinator.Serialisation.Common Methods (==) ∷ HardForkNodeToNodeVersion xs → HardForkNodeToNodeVersion xs → Bool # (/=) ∷ HardForkNodeToNodeVersion xs → HardForkNodeToNodeVersion xs → Bool # |
data HardForkSpecificNodeToClientVersion Source #
Versioning of the specific additions made by the HFC to the NodeToClient
protocols, e.g., the era tag or the hard-fork specific queries.
HardForkSpecificNodeToClientVersion3 | Include the Genesis window in |
data HardForkSpecificNodeToNodeVersion Source #
Versioning of the specific additions made by the HFC to the NodeToNode
protocols, e.g., the era tag.
HardForkSpecificNodeToNodeVersion1 |
Dealing with annotations
data AnnDecoder f blk Source #
AnnDecoder | |
Serialisation of telescopes
decodeTelescope ∷ NP (Decoder s :.: f) xs → Decoder s (HardForkState f xs) Source #
encodeTelescope ∷ SListI xs ⇒ NP (f -.-> K Encoding) xs → HardForkState f xs → Encoding Source #
Serialisation of sums
decodeAnnNS ∷ SListI xs ⇒ NP (AnnDecoder f) xs → ∀ s. Decoder s (ByteString → NS f xs) Source #
Dependent serialisation
decodeNested ∷ All (DecodeDiskDep (NestedCtxt f)) xs ⇒ CodecConfig (HardForkBlock xs) → NestedCtxt f (HardForkBlock xs) a → ∀ s. Decoder s (ByteString → a) Source #
decodeNestedCtxt ∷ All (DecodeDiskDepIx (NestedCtxt f)) xs ⇒ CodecConfig (HardForkBlock xs) → ∀ s. Decoder s (SomeSecond (NestedCtxt f) (HardForkBlock xs)) Source #
encodeNested ∷ All (EncodeDiskDep (NestedCtxt f)) xs ⇒ CodecConfig (HardForkBlock xs) → NestedCtxt f (HardForkBlock xs) a → a → Encoding Source #
encodeNestedCtxt ∷ All (EncodeDiskDepIx (NestedCtxt f)) xs ⇒ CodecConfig (HardForkBlock xs) → SomeSecond (NestedCtxt f) (HardForkBlock xs) → Encoding Source #
decodeEitherMismatch ∷ SListI xs ⇒ BlockNodeToClientVersion (HardForkBlock xs) → Decoder s a → Decoder s (Either (MismatchEraInfo xs) a) Source #
encodeEitherMismatch ∷ ∀ xs a. SListI xs ⇒ BlockNodeToClientVersion (HardForkBlock xs) → (a → Encoding) → Either (MismatchEraInfo xs) a → Encoding Source #
Distributive properties
distribAnnTip ∷ SListI xs ⇒ AnnTip (HardForkBlock xs) → NS AnnTip xs Source #
distribQueryIfCurrent ∷ Some (QueryIfCurrent xs) → NS (SomeSecond BlockQuery) xs Source #
undistribAnnTip ∷ SListI xs ⇒ NS AnnTip xs → AnnTip (HardForkBlock xs) Source #
undistribQueryIfCurrent ∷ NS (SomeSecond BlockQuery) xs → Some (QueryIfCurrent xs) Source #
Deriving-via support for tests
newtype SerialiseNS f xs Source #
Used for deriving via
deriving via SerialiseNS Header SomeEras instance Serialise (Header SomeSecond)
SerialiseNS | |
All (Compose Serialise f) xs ⇒ Serialise (SerialiseNS f xs) Source # | |
Defined in Ouroboros.Consensus.HardFork.Combinator.Serialisation.Common Methods encode ∷ SerialiseNS f xs → Encoding Source # decode ∷ Decoder s (SerialiseNS f xs) Source # encodeList ∷ [SerialiseNS f xs] → Encoding Source # decodeList ∷ Decoder s [SerialiseNS f xs] Source # |
Orphan instances
SerialiseHFC xs ⇒ HasNetworkProtocolVersion (HardForkBlock xs) Source # | |
Associated Types type BlockNodeToNodeVersion (HardForkBlock xs) Source # type BlockNodeToClientVersion (HardForkBlock xs) Source # |