ouroboros-consensus- Consensus layer for the Ouroboros blockchain protocol
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred


Orphan instances

CanHardFork xs ⇒ BlockSupportsDiffusionPipelining (HardForkBlock xs) Source #

The BlockSupportsDiffusionPipelining instance for the HFC is compositional:

This behavior guarantees the "Consistent validity under subsequences" requirement if it is satisfied for every era.

Note that at an era boundary, the tip of the selection might switch multiple times between two adjacent eras. Compared to the scenario where the pipelining criteria in both eras are compatible and make sense even across eras, this might lead to unnecessarily strict/relaxed diffusion pipelining. However, the tip switching between different eras is rare and rather short, so there is no direct need to address this, so we rather avoid the extra complexity for now.

Still, a possible future refinement would be to allow custom logic for "upgrading" the TentativeHeaderState to a new era.

Instance details