ouroboros-consensus- Consensus layer for the Ouroboros blockchain protocol
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Intended for qualified import

import Test.Util.OracularClock (OracularClock(..))
import qualified Test.Util.OracularClock as OracularClock


data EndOfDaysException Source #

A thread used an OracularClock well after it was exhausted

A thread using an exhausted OracularClock first briefly delays, so that finalizers etc have a chance to terminate it. If that tear down isn't prompt enough, the thread then throws this exception, which we don't catch anywhere.



data OracularClock m Source #

A clock that knows the future

This clock's closure contains a SystemTime, a Future, and a NumSlots. Once all NumSlots have passed, the clock is exhausted and all of its methods begin throwing EndOfDaysException.

Notably, waitUntilDone blocks until the the clock is exhausted; so the continuation of that call should promptly reap other threads using this clock because they will otherwise soon raise EndOfDaysException.

Note: Though the wallclock-slot correspondence depends on the ledger state, we have designed our ledgers so that all nodes necessarily use the same correspondence in the absence of a Common Prefix violation. This ensures all nodes adopt the same timeline, which must be the Future that this clock anticipates.




forkEachSlotHasCallStackResourceRegistry m → OracularClock m → String → (SlotNo → m ()) → m (m ()) Source #

Forks a thread that executes an action at the onset of each slot

Returns an action that cancels the thread.

INVARIANT: In io-sim, there is no race: finiteSystemTime.systemTimeCurrent and hence getCurrentSlot called from within the given action will always return the correct slot.

See the discussion of ticker threads in getCurrentSlot.

mkOracularClock ∷ ∀ m. IOLike m ⇒ SystemTime m → NumSlotsFutureOracularClock m Source #

See OracularClock

NOTE: Every method relies only on the given SystemTime. For example, there is no internal ticker thread underlying this OracularClock. This design avoids the risk of certain kinds of races, particularly with respect to hardForkBlockchainTime which also only relies on SystemTime.

PREREQUISITE: The only assumption about the given SystemTime is that its systemCurrentTime ticks before any threadDelay-ed thread scheduled to wake-up then does so. The defaultSystemTime in the mock IO monad provided by io-sim satisfies this assumption.