ouroboros-consensus- Consensus layer for the Ouroboros blockchain protocol
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




data ChainSchema base inner Source #

The leader schedule of an honest chain

The represented chain grows by one block per active slot. A different data type would represent a leader schedule in which leaders do not necessarily extend the block from the previous active slot.

INVARIANT: at least one active slot


ChainSchema !(Contains SlotE base inner) !(Vector inner SlotE S) 


Instances details
Read (ChainSchema base inner) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.Ouroboros.Consensus.ChainGenerator.Honest


readsPrecIntReadS (ChainSchema base inner) #

readListReadS [ChainSchema base inner] #

readPrecReadPrec (ChainSchema base inner) #

readListPrecReadPrec [ChainSchema base inner] #

Show (ChainSchema base inner) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.Ouroboros.Consensus.ChainGenerator.Honest


showsPrecIntChainSchema base inner → ShowS #

showChainSchema base inner → String #

showList ∷ [ChainSchema base inner] → ShowS #

Eq (ChainSchema base inner) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.Ouroboros.Consensus.ChainGenerator.Honest


(==)ChainSchema base inner → ChainSchema base inner → Bool #

(/=)ChainSchema base inner → ChainSchema base inner → Bool #

data CheckedHonestRecipe base hon Source #

The argument of uniformTheHonestChain and the output of checkHonestRecipe

  • base the type-level name of the top-level timeline
  • hon the type-level name of the honest chain's slot interval

TODO: Rename to CheckedHonestSchemaSpec





Instances details
Read (CheckedHonestRecipe base hon) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.Ouroboros.Consensus.ChainGenerator.Honest

Show (CheckedHonestRecipe base hon) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.Ouroboros.Consensus.ChainGenerator.Honest


showsPrecIntCheckedHonestRecipe base hon → ShowS #

showCheckedHonestRecipe base hon → String #

showList ∷ [CheckedHonestRecipe base hon] → ShowS #

Eq (CheckedHonestRecipe base hon) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.Ouroboros.Consensus.ChainGenerator.Honest


(==)CheckedHonestRecipe base hon → CheckedHonestRecipe base hon → Bool #

(/=)CheckedHonestRecipe base hon → CheckedHonestRecipe base hon → Bool #

uniformTheHonestChain Source #


∷ ∀ base hon g. RandomGen g 
Maybe Asc

When Nothing, the generated schema has a minimal amount of active slots. Deactivating any of them would violate safety properties. Such a minimal schema is necessarily completely periodic.

CheckedHonestRecipe base hon 
→ g 
ChainSchema base hon 

A ChainSchema that satisfies checkHonestChain

This generator proceeds in three stages to create a random schema that satisfies the requirement of at least k+1 blocks in every s slots.

  • It begins by drawing a sample of length Len from the Bernoulli process induced by the active slot coefficient Asc, just like in Praos. (IE Len many i.i.d. samples from Uniform(asc)).
  • It then visits the first window in that sampled vector. If it has less than k+1 active slots, the generator randomly toggles empty slots to be active until the window contains exactly k+1 active slots.
  • It then visits the rest of the windows in oldest-to-youngest order. Each window must contain at least k active slots when visited, since it shares all but its youngest slot with the previous window, which was already visited. In particular, when the window contains only k active slots, that youngest slot must be empty, and so the generator will toggle it, thereby re-establishing the required density.

NOTE: This process may add more active slots to the initial sampled vector than strictly necessary---ensuring the minimum number of toggles would be an integer programming optimization problem as far as we can tell. We have settled for this relatively simple algorithm that approaches the minimal number of toggled slots (TODO calculate how tight the bounds are).

NOTE: When visting windows after the first, only the youngest slot can be toggled. If we activated any other slot in the sliding window, then older windows, which already have at least k+1 active slots, would unnecessarily end up with even more active slots.

NOTE: The larger Asc is, the more active slots there will be when sampling from the Bernoulli process. When Asc is much larger than (k+1)/s the sample will require toggling very few additional slots.

NOTE: When no Asc value is provided, we start with a vector with no active slots, and the second phase causes the first window to end up with k+1 active slots in a pattern that is then repeated exactly for the rest of the chain. For instance,

k=2, s=6

000000000000000000000000 -- stage 1
1 11                     -- stage 2
      1 11  1 11  1 11   -- stage 3
101100101100101100101100 -- final
k=2, s=6

000000000000000000000000 -- stage 1
   111                   -- stage 2
         111   111   111 -- stage 3
000111000111000111000111 -- final

NOTE: When Asc is close to 0, the sample will have a few active slots. In the relatively common case where none of those initially active slots are in the same window, the final schema will be periodic between the active slots from the sample, but the patterns in those intervals may vary. For instance,

k=2, s=6

000000000000010000000000000000001000000000000000000 -- stage 1
1 1 1                                               -- stage 2
      1 1 1 1   1 11  1 11  1 11    111   111   111 -- stage 3
101010101010110010110010110010111000111000111000111 -- final

TODO sample from a disjunction of generators that explore interesting boundary conditions. i.e. different windows could use different strategies to fill each of the windows. For instance, we could arrange for some windows to start with empty slots and be dense at the end.


data HonestChainViolation hon Source #



The schema does not contain a positive number of active slots

BadScgWindow !(ScgViolation hon)

The schema has some window of Scg slots that contains less than 'Kcp+1' active slots, even despite optimistically assuming that all slots beyond Len are active

BadLength !(Size hon SlotE)

The schema does not span exactly Len slots

data ScgLbl Source #

A stability window

data ScgViolation hon Source #


∀ skolem. ScgViolation 



Instances details
Read (ScgViolation hon) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.Ouroboros.Consensus.ChainGenerator.Honest

Show (ScgViolation hon) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.Ouroboros.Consensus.ChainGenerator.Honest


showsPrecIntScgViolation hon → ShowS #

showScgViolation hon → String #

showList ∷ [ScgViolation hon] → ShowS #

Eq (ScgViolation hon) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.Ouroboros.Consensus.ChainGenerator.Honest


(==)ScgViolation hon → ScgViolation hon → Bool #

(/=)ScgViolation hon → ScgViolation hon → Bool #

checkHonestChain ∷ ∀ base hon. HonestRecipeChainSchema base hon → Except (HonestChainViolation hon) () Source #

Check the Extended Praos Chain Growth assumption

Definition of window and anchored window. A window is a contiguous sequence of slots. A window anchored at a block starts with the slot immediately after that block.

Definition of Extended Praos Chain Growth Assumption. We assume the honest chain contains at least k+1 blocks in every window that contains s slots.

Definition of Stability Window. The s parameter from the Praos Chain Growth property. (At the time of writing, this is 2k during Byron and 3k/f after Byron on Cardano mainnet.)

prettyChainSchema ∷ ∀ base inner. ChainSchema base inner → String → [String] Source #