-- | Ledger DB tests. -- -- The ledger DB consists of two subcomponents: an in-memory component, which is -- pure Haskell (no IO anywhere) and so can be tested using normal property -- tests, and the on-disk component, which is tested with a model based test. -- module Test.Ouroboros.Storage.LedgerDB (tests) where import qualified Test.Ouroboros.Storage.LedgerDB.DiskPolicy as DiskPolicy import qualified Test.Ouroboros.Storage.LedgerDB.InMemory as InMemory import qualified Test.Ouroboros.Storage.LedgerDB.OnDisk as OnDisk import Test.Tasty tests :: TestTree tests :: TestTree tests = TestName -> [TestTree] -> TestTree testGroup TestName "LedgerDB" [ TestTree InMemory.tests , TestTree OnDisk.tests , TestTree DiskPolicy.tests ]