{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Ouroboros.Consensus.Protocol.TPraos (
MaxMajorProtVer (..)
, PraosChainSelectView (..)
, TPraos
, TPraosFields (..)
, TPraosIsLeader (..)
, TPraosParams (..)
, TPraosState (..)
, TPraosToSign (..)
, TPraosValidateView
, forgeTPraosFields
, mkShelleyGlobals
, mkTPraosParams
, SL.PraosCrypto
, StandardCrypto
, TPraosCannotForge (..)
, tpraosCheckCanForge
, ConsensusConfig (..)
, Ticked (..)
) where
import Cardano.Binary (FromCBOR (..), ToCBOR (..), enforceSize)
import qualified Cardano.Crypto.VRF as VRF
import qualified Cardano.Ledger.BaseTypes as SL (ActiveSlotCoeff, Seed)
import Cardano.Ledger.Crypto (StandardCrypto)
import qualified Cardano.Ledger.Keys as SL
import qualified Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.API as SL
import qualified Cardano.Protocol.TPraos.API as SL
import qualified Cardano.Protocol.TPraos.BHeader as SL
import qualified Cardano.Protocol.TPraos.OCert as Absolute (KESPeriod (..))
import qualified Cardano.Protocol.TPraos.OCert as SL
import qualified Cardano.Protocol.TPraos.Rules.Overlay as SL
import qualified Cardano.Protocol.TPraos.Rules.Prtcl as SL
import qualified Cardano.Protocol.TPraos.Rules.Tickn as SL
import Cardano.Slotting.EpochInfo
import Cardano.Slotting.Time (SystemStart (..))
import qualified Codec.CBOR.Encoding as CBOR
import Codec.Serialise (Serialise (..))
import Control.Monad.Except (Except, runExcept, throwError,
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Text as T (pack)
import Data.Word (Word64)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import NoThunks.Class (NoThunks (..))
import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Block
import qualified Ouroboros.Consensus.HardFork.History as History
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Protocol.Abstract
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Protocol.Ledger.HotKey (HotKey)
import qualified Ouroboros.Consensus.Protocol.Ledger.HotKey as HotKey
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Protocol.Ledger.Util
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Protocol.Praos.Common
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Ticked
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Util.Condense
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Util.Versioned
data TPraosFields c toSign = TPraosFields {
forall c toSign. TPraosFields c toSign -> SignedKES c toSign
tpraosSignature :: SL.SignedKES c toSign
, forall c toSign. TPraosFields c toSign -> toSign
tpraosToSign :: toSign
deriving ((forall x. TPraosFields c toSign -> Rep (TPraosFields c toSign) x)
-> (forall x.
Rep (TPraosFields c toSign) x -> TPraosFields c toSign)
-> Generic (TPraosFields c toSign)
forall x. Rep (TPraosFields c toSign) x -> TPraosFields c toSign
forall x. TPraosFields c toSign -> Rep (TPraosFields c toSign) x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
forall c toSign x.
Rep (TPraosFields c toSign) x -> TPraosFields c toSign
forall c toSign x.
TPraosFields c toSign -> Rep (TPraosFields c toSign) x
$cfrom :: forall c toSign x.
TPraosFields c toSign -> Rep (TPraosFields c toSign) x
from :: forall x. TPraosFields c toSign -> Rep (TPraosFields c toSign) x
$cto :: forall c toSign x.
Rep (TPraosFields c toSign) x -> TPraosFields c toSign
to :: forall x. Rep (TPraosFields c toSign) x -> TPraosFields c toSign
deriving instance (NoThunks toSign, SL.PraosCrypto c)
=> NoThunks (TPraosFields c toSign)
deriving instance (Show toSign, SL.PraosCrypto c)
=> Show (TPraosFields c toSign)
data TPraosToSign c = TPraosToSign {
forall c. TPraosToSign c -> VKey 'BlockIssuer c
tpraosToSignIssuerVK :: SL.VKey 'SL.BlockIssuer c
, forall c. TPraosToSign c -> VerKeyVRF c
tpraosToSignVrfVK :: SL.VerKeyVRF c
, forall c. TPraosToSign c -> CertifiedVRF c Nonce
tpraosToSignEta :: SL.CertifiedVRF c SL.Nonce
, forall c. TPraosToSign c -> CertifiedVRF c Natural
tpraosToSignLeader :: SL.CertifiedVRF c Natural
, forall c. TPraosToSign c -> OCert c
tpraosToSignOCert :: SL.OCert c
deriving ((forall x. TPraosToSign c -> Rep (TPraosToSign c) x)
-> (forall x. Rep (TPraosToSign c) x -> TPraosToSign c)
-> Generic (TPraosToSign c)
forall x. Rep (TPraosToSign c) x -> TPraosToSign c
forall x. TPraosToSign c -> Rep (TPraosToSign c) x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
forall c x. Rep (TPraosToSign c) x -> TPraosToSign c
forall c x. TPraosToSign c -> Rep (TPraosToSign c) x
$cfrom :: forall c x. TPraosToSign c -> Rep (TPraosToSign c) x
from :: forall x. TPraosToSign c -> Rep (TPraosToSign c) x
$cto :: forall c x. Rep (TPraosToSign c) x -> TPraosToSign c
to :: forall x. Rep (TPraosToSign c) x -> TPraosToSign c
instance SL.PraosCrypto c => NoThunks (TPraosToSign c)
deriving instance SL.PraosCrypto c => Show (TPraosToSign c)
forgeTPraosFields ::
( SL.PraosCrypto c
, SL.KESignable c toSign
, Monad m
=> HotKey c m
-> CanBeLeader (TPraos c)
-> IsLeader (TPraos c)
-> (TPraosToSign c -> toSign)
-> m (TPraosFields c toSign)
forgeTPraosFields :: forall c toSign (m :: * -> *).
(PraosCrypto c, KESignable c toSign, Monad m) =>
HotKey c m
-> CanBeLeader (TPraos c)
-> IsLeader (TPraos c)
-> (TPraosToSign c -> toSign)
-> m (TPraosFields c toSign)
forgeTPraosFields HotKey c m
hotKey PraosCanBeLeader{SignKeyVRF c
VKey 'BlockIssuer c
OCert c
praosCanBeLeaderOpCert :: OCert c
praosCanBeLeaderColdVerKey :: VKey 'BlockIssuer c
praosCanBeLeaderSignKeyVRF :: SignKeyVRF c
praosCanBeLeaderOpCert :: forall c. PraosCanBeLeader c -> OCert c
praosCanBeLeaderColdVerKey :: forall c. PraosCanBeLeader c -> VKey 'BlockIssuer c
praosCanBeLeaderSignKeyVRF :: forall c. PraosCanBeLeader c -> SignKeyVRF c
..} TPraosIsLeader{Maybe (Hash c (VerKeyVRF c))
CertifiedVRF c Natural
CertifiedVRF c Nonce
tpraosIsLeaderEta :: CertifiedVRF c Nonce
tpraosIsLeaderProof :: CertifiedVRF c Natural
tpraosIsLeaderGenVRFHash :: Maybe (Hash c (VerKeyVRF c))
tpraosIsLeaderEta :: forall c. TPraosIsLeader c -> CertifiedVRF c Nonce
tpraosIsLeaderProof :: forall c. TPraosIsLeader c -> CertifiedVRF c Natural
tpraosIsLeaderGenVRFHash :: forall c. TPraosIsLeader c -> Maybe (Hash c (VerKeyVRF c))
..} TPraosToSign c -> toSign
mkToSign = do
SignedKES (KES c) toSign
signature <- HotKey c m -> toSign -> m (SignedKES (KES c) toSign)
forall c toSign (m :: * -> *).
(KESignable c toSign, HasCallStack) =>
HotKey c m -> toSign -> m (SignedKES c toSign)
HotKey.sign HotKey c m
hotKey toSign
TPraosFields c toSign -> m (TPraosFields c toSign)
forall a. a -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return TPraosFields {
tpraosSignature :: SignedKES (KES c) toSign
tpraosSignature = SignedKES (KES c) toSign
, tpraosToSign :: toSign
tpraosToSign = toSign
toSign :: toSign
toSign = TPraosToSign c -> toSign
mkToSign TPraosToSign c
signedFields :: TPraosToSign c
signedFields = TPraosToSign {
tpraosToSignIssuerVK :: VKey 'BlockIssuer c
tpraosToSignIssuerVK = VKey 'BlockIssuer c
, tpraosToSignVrfVK :: VerKeyVRF c
tpraosToSignVrfVK = SignKeyVRF c -> VerKeyVRF c
forall v. VRFAlgorithm v => SignKeyVRF v -> VerKeyVRF v
VRF.deriveVerKeyVRF SignKeyVRF c
, tpraosToSignEta :: CertifiedVRF c Nonce
tpraosToSignEta = CertifiedVRF c Nonce
, tpraosToSignLeader :: CertifiedVRF c Natural
tpraosToSignLeader = CertifiedVRF c Natural
, tpraosToSignOCert :: OCert c
tpraosToSignOCert = OCert c
type TPraosValidateView c = SL.BHeader c
data TPraos c
data TPraosParams = TPraosParams {
TPraosParams -> Word64
tpraosSlotsPerKESPeriod :: !Word64
, TPraosParams -> ActiveSlotCoeff
tpraosLeaderF :: !SL.ActiveSlotCoeff
, TPraosParams -> SecurityParam
tpraosSecurityParam :: !SecurityParam
, TPraosParams -> Word64
tpraosMaxKESEvo :: !Word64
, TPraosParams -> Word64
tpraosQuorum :: !Word64
, TPraosParams -> MaxMajorProtVer
tpraosMaxMajorPV :: !MaxMajorProtVer
, TPraosParams -> Word64
tpraosMaxLovelaceSupply :: !Word64
, TPraosParams -> Network
tpraosNetworkId :: !SL.Network
, TPraosParams -> Nonce
tpraosInitialNonce :: !SL.Nonce
, TPraosParams -> SystemStart
tpraosSystemStart :: !SystemStart
deriving ((forall x. TPraosParams -> Rep TPraosParams x)
-> (forall x. Rep TPraosParams x -> TPraosParams)
-> Generic TPraosParams
forall x. Rep TPraosParams x -> TPraosParams
forall x. TPraosParams -> Rep TPraosParams x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
$cfrom :: forall x. TPraosParams -> Rep TPraosParams x
from :: forall x. TPraosParams -> Rep TPraosParams x
$cto :: forall x. Rep TPraosParams x -> TPraosParams
to :: forall x. Rep TPraosParams x -> TPraosParams
Generic, Context -> TPraosParams -> IO (Maybe ThunkInfo)
Proxy TPraosParams -> String
(Context -> TPraosParams -> IO (Maybe ThunkInfo))
-> (Context -> TPraosParams -> IO (Maybe ThunkInfo))
-> (Proxy TPraosParams -> String)
-> NoThunks TPraosParams
forall a.
(Context -> a -> IO (Maybe ThunkInfo))
-> (Context -> a -> IO (Maybe ThunkInfo))
-> (Proxy a -> String)
-> NoThunks a
$cnoThunks :: Context -> TPraosParams -> IO (Maybe ThunkInfo)
noThunks :: Context -> TPraosParams -> IO (Maybe ThunkInfo)
$cwNoThunks :: Context -> TPraosParams -> IO (Maybe ThunkInfo)
wNoThunks :: Context -> TPraosParams -> IO (Maybe ThunkInfo)
$cshowTypeOf :: Proxy TPraosParams -> String
showTypeOf :: Proxy TPraosParams -> String
mkTPraosParams ::
-> SL.Nonce
-> SL.ShelleyGenesis era
-> TPraosParams
mkTPraosParams :: forall era.
MaxMajorProtVer -> Nonce -> ShelleyGenesis era -> TPraosParams
mkTPraosParams MaxMajorProtVer
maxMajorPV Nonce
initialNonce ShelleyGenesis era
genesis = TPraosParams {
tpraosSlotsPerKESPeriod :: Word64
tpraosSlotsPerKESPeriod = ShelleyGenesis era -> Word64
forall c. ShelleyGenesis c -> Word64
SL.sgSlotsPerKESPeriod ShelleyGenesis era
, tpraosLeaderF :: ActiveSlotCoeff
tpraosLeaderF = ShelleyGenesis era -> ActiveSlotCoeff
forall c. ShelleyGenesis c -> ActiveSlotCoeff
SL.sgActiveSlotCoeff ShelleyGenesis era
, tpraosMaxKESEvo :: Word64
tpraosMaxKESEvo = ShelleyGenesis era -> Word64
forall c. ShelleyGenesis c -> Word64
SL.sgMaxKESEvolutions ShelleyGenesis era
, tpraosQuorum :: Word64
tpraosQuorum = ShelleyGenesis era -> Word64
forall c. ShelleyGenesis c -> Word64
SL.sgUpdateQuorum ShelleyGenesis era
, tpraosMaxLovelaceSupply :: Word64
tpraosMaxLovelaceSupply = ShelleyGenesis era -> Word64
forall c. ShelleyGenesis c -> Word64
SL.sgMaxLovelaceSupply ShelleyGenesis era
, tpraosNetworkId :: Network
tpraosNetworkId = ShelleyGenesis era -> Network
forall c. ShelleyGenesis c -> Network
SL.sgNetworkId ShelleyGenesis era
, tpraosSecurityParam :: SecurityParam
tpraosSecurityParam = SecurityParam
, tpraosMaxMajorPV :: MaxMajorProtVer
tpraosMaxMajorPV = MaxMajorProtVer
, tpraosInitialNonce :: Nonce
tpraosInitialNonce = Nonce
, tpraosSystemStart :: SystemStart
tpraosSystemStart = SystemStart
securityParam :: SecurityParam
securityParam = Word64 -> SecurityParam
SecurityParam (Word64 -> SecurityParam) -> Word64 -> SecurityParam
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ShelleyGenesis era -> Word64
forall c. ShelleyGenesis c -> Word64
SL.sgSecurityParam ShelleyGenesis era
systemStart :: SystemStart
systemStart = UTCTime -> SystemStart
SystemStart (UTCTime -> SystemStart) -> UTCTime -> SystemStart
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ShelleyGenesis era -> UTCTime
forall c. ShelleyGenesis c -> UTCTime
SL.sgSystemStart ShelleyGenesis era
data TPraosIsLeader c = TPraosIsLeader {
forall c. TPraosIsLeader c -> CertifiedVRF c Nonce
tpraosIsLeaderEta :: SL.CertifiedVRF c SL.Nonce
, forall c. TPraosIsLeader c -> CertifiedVRF c Natural
tpraosIsLeaderProof :: SL.CertifiedVRF c Natural
, forall c. TPraosIsLeader c -> Maybe (Hash c (VerKeyVRF c))
tpraosIsLeaderGenVRFHash :: Maybe (SL.Hash c (SL.VerKeyVRF c))
deriving ((forall x. TPraosIsLeader c -> Rep (TPraosIsLeader c) x)
-> (forall x. Rep (TPraosIsLeader c) x -> TPraosIsLeader c)
-> Generic (TPraosIsLeader c)
forall x. Rep (TPraosIsLeader c) x -> TPraosIsLeader c
forall x. TPraosIsLeader c -> Rep (TPraosIsLeader c) x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
forall c x. Rep (TPraosIsLeader c) x -> TPraosIsLeader c
forall c x. TPraosIsLeader c -> Rep (TPraosIsLeader c) x
$cfrom :: forall c x. TPraosIsLeader c -> Rep (TPraosIsLeader c) x
from :: forall x. TPraosIsLeader c -> Rep (TPraosIsLeader c) x
$cto :: forall c x. Rep (TPraosIsLeader c) x -> TPraosIsLeader c
to :: forall x. Rep (TPraosIsLeader c) x -> TPraosIsLeader c
instance SL.PraosCrypto c => NoThunks (TPraosIsLeader c)
data instance ConsensusConfig (TPraos c) = TPraosConfig {
forall c. ConsensusConfig (TPraos c) -> TPraosParams
tpraosParams :: !TPraosParams
, forall c.
ConsensusConfig (TPraos c)
-> EpochInfo (Except PastHorizonException)
tpraosEpochInfo :: !(EpochInfo (Except History.PastHorizonException))
deriving ((forall x.
ConsensusConfig (TPraos c) -> Rep (ConsensusConfig (TPraos c)) x)
-> (forall x.
Rep (ConsensusConfig (TPraos c)) x -> ConsensusConfig (TPraos c))
-> Generic (ConsensusConfig (TPraos c))
forall x.
Rep (ConsensusConfig (TPraos c)) x -> ConsensusConfig (TPraos c)
forall x.
ConsensusConfig (TPraos c) -> Rep (ConsensusConfig (TPraos c)) x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
forall c x.
Rep (ConsensusConfig (TPraos c)) x -> ConsensusConfig (TPraos c)
forall c x.
ConsensusConfig (TPraos c) -> Rep (ConsensusConfig (TPraos c)) x
$cfrom :: forall c x.
ConsensusConfig (TPraos c) -> Rep (ConsensusConfig (TPraos c)) x
from :: forall x.
ConsensusConfig (TPraos c) -> Rep (ConsensusConfig (TPraos c)) x
$cto :: forall c x.
Rep (ConsensusConfig (TPraos c)) x -> ConsensusConfig (TPraos c)
to :: forall x.
Rep (ConsensusConfig (TPraos c)) x -> ConsensusConfig (TPraos c)
instance SL.PraosCrypto c => NoThunks (ConsensusConfig (TPraos c))
data TPraosState c = TPraosState {
forall c. TPraosState c -> WithOrigin SlotNo
tpraosStateLastSlot :: !(WithOrigin SlotNo)
, forall c. TPraosState c -> ChainDepState c
tpraosStateChainDepState :: !(SL.ChainDepState c)
deriving ((forall x. TPraosState c -> Rep (TPraosState c) x)
-> (forall x. Rep (TPraosState c) x -> TPraosState c)
-> Generic (TPraosState c)
forall x. Rep (TPraosState c) x -> TPraosState c
forall x. TPraosState c -> Rep (TPraosState c) x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
forall c x. Rep (TPraosState c) x -> TPraosState c
forall c x. TPraosState c -> Rep (TPraosState c) x
$cfrom :: forall c x. TPraosState c -> Rep (TPraosState c) x
from :: forall x. TPraosState c -> Rep (TPraosState c) x
$cto :: forall c x. Rep (TPraosState c) x -> TPraosState c
to :: forall x. Rep (TPraosState c) x -> TPraosState c
Generic, Int -> TPraosState c -> ShowS
[TPraosState c] -> ShowS
TPraosState c -> String
(Int -> TPraosState c -> ShowS)
-> (TPraosState c -> String)
-> ([TPraosState c] -> ShowS)
-> Show (TPraosState c)
forall c. Int -> TPraosState c -> ShowS
forall c. [TPraosState c] -> ShowS
forall c. TPraosState c -> String
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
$cshowsPrec :: forall c. Int -> TPraosState c -> ShowS
showsPrec :: Int -> TPraosState c -> ShowS
$cshow :: forall c. TPraosState c -> String
show :: TPraosState c -> String
$cshowList :: forall c. [TPraosState c] -> ShowS
showList :: [TPraosState c] -> ShowS
Show, TPraosState c -> TPraosState c -> Bool
(TPraosState c -> TPraosState c -> Bool)
-> (TPraosState c -> TPraosState c -> Bool) -> Eq (TPraosState c)
forall c. TPraosState c -> TPraosState c -> Bool
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
$c== :: forall c. TPraosState c -> TPraosState c -> Bool
== :: TPraosState c -> TPraosState c -> Bool
$c/= :: forall c. TPraosState c -> TPraosState c -> Bool
/= :: TPraosState c -> TPraosState c -> Bool
instance SL.PraosCrypto c => NoThunks (TPraosState c)
serialisationFormatVersion1 :: VersionNumber
serialisationFormatVersion1 :: VersionNumber
serialisationFormatVersion1 = VersionNumber
instance SL.PraosCrypto c => ToCBOR (TPraosState c) where
toCBOR :: TPraosState c -> Encoding
toCBOR = TPraosState c -> Encoding
forall a. Serialise a => a -> Encoding
instance SL.PraosCrypto c => FromCBOR (TPraosState c) where
fromCBOR :: forall s. Decoder s (TPraosState c)
fromCBOR = Decoder s (TPraosState c)
forall s. Decoder s (TPraosState c)
forall a s. Serialise a => Decoder s a
instance SL.PraosCrypto c => Serialise (TPraosState c) where
encode :: TPraosState c -> Encoding
encode (TPraosState WithOrigin SlotNo
slot ChainDepState c
chainDepState) =
VersionNumber -> Encoding -> Encoding
encodeVersion VersionNumber
serialisationFormatVersion1 (Encoding -> Encoding) -> Encoding -> Encoding
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [Encoding] -> Encoding
forall a. Monoid a => [a] -> a
mconcat [
Word -> Encoding
CBOR.encodeListLen Word
, WithOrigin SlotNo -> Encoding
forall a. ToCBOR a => a -> Encoding
toCBOR WithOrigin SlotNo
, ChainDepState c -> Encoding
forall a. ToCBOR a => a -> Encoding
toCBOR ChainDepState c
decode :: forall s. Decoder s (TPraosState c)
decode = [(VersionNumber, VersionDecoder (TPraosState c))]
-> forall s. Decoder s (TPraosState c)
forall a.
[(VersionNumber, VersionDecoder a)] -> forall s. Decoder s a
serialisationFormatVersion1, (forall s. Decoder s (TPraosState c))
-> VersionDecoder (TPraosState c)
forall a. (forall s. Decoder s a) -> VersionDecoder a
Decode Decoder s (TPraosState c)
forall s. Decoder s (TPraosState c)
decodeTPraosState1 :: Decoder s (TPraosState c)
decodeTPraosState1 = do
Text -> Int -> Decoder s ()
forall s. Text -> Int -> Decoder s ()
enforceSize Text
"TPraosState" Int
WithOrigin SlotNo -> ChainDepState c -> TPraosState c
forall c. WithOrigin SlotNo -> ChainDepState c -> TPraosState c
TPraosState (WithOrigin SlotNo -> ChainDepState c -> TPraosState c)
-> Decoder s (WithOrigin SlotNo)
-> Decoder s (ChainDepState c -> TPraosState c)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Decoder s (WithOrigin SlotNo)
forall s. Decoder s (WithOrigin SlotNo)
forall a s. FromCBOR a => Decoder s a
fromCBOR Decoder s (ChainDepState c -> TPraosState c)
-> Decoder s (ChainDepState c) -> Decoder s (TPraosState c)
forall a b. Decoder s (a -> b) -> Decoder s a -> Decoder s b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> Decoder s (ChainDepState c)
forall s. Decoder s (ChainDepState c)
forall a s. FromCBOR a => Decoder s a
data instance Ticked (TPraosState c) = TickedChainDepState {
forall c. Ticked (TPraosState c) -> ChainDepState c
tickedTPraosStateChainDepState :: SL.ChainDepState c
, forall c. Ticked (TPraosState c) -> LedgerView (TPraos c)
tickedTPraosStateLedgerView :: LedgerView (TPraos c)
instance SL.PraosCrypto c => ConsensusProtocol (TPraos c) where
type ChainDepState (TPraos c) = TPraosState c
type IsLeader (TPraos c) = TPraosIsLeader c
type CanBeLeader (TPraos c) = PraosCanBeLeader c
type SelectView (TPraos c) = PraosChainSelectView c
type LedgerView (TPraos c) = SL.LedgerView c
type ValidationErr (TPraos c) = SL.ChainTransitionError c
type ValidateView (TPraos c) = TPraosValidateView c
protocolSecurityParam :: ConsensusConfig (TPraos c) -> SecurityParam
protocolSecurityParam = TPraosParams -> SecurityParam
tpraosSecurityParam (TPraosParams -> SecurityParam)
-> (ConsensusConfig (TPraos c) -> TPraosParams)
-> ConsensusConfig (TPraos c)
-> SecurityParam
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. ConsensusConfig (TPraos c) -> TPraosParams
forall c. ConsensusConfig (TPraos c) -> TPraosParams
checkIsLeader :: HasCallStack =>
ConsensusConfig (TPraos c)
-> CanBeLeader (TPraos c)
-> SlotNo
-> Ticked (ChainDepState (TPraos c))
-> Maybe (IsLeader (TPraos c))
checkIsLeader ConsensusConfig (TPraos c)
cfg PraosCanBeLeader{SignKeyVRF c
VKey 'BlockIssuer c
OCert c
praosCanBeLeaderOpCert :: forall c. PraosCanBeLeader c -> OCert c
praosCanBeLeaderColdVerKey :: forall c. PraosCanBeLeader c -> VKey 'BlockIssuer c
praosCanBeLeaderSignKeyVRF :: forall c. PraosCanBeLeader c -> SignKeyVRF c
praosCanBeLeaderOpCert :: OCert c
praosCanBeLeaderColdVerKey :: VKey 'BlockIssuer c
praosCanBeLeaderSignKeyVRF :: SignKeyVRF c
..} SlotNo
slot Ticked (ChainDepState (TPraos c))
cs = do
case SlotNo
-> Set (KeyHash 'Genesis c)
-> UnitInterval
-> ActiveSlotCoeff
-> SlotNo
-> Maybe (OBftSlot c)
forall c.
-> Set (KeyHash 'Genesis c)
-> UnitInterval
-> ActiveSlotCoeff
-> SlotNo
-> Maybe (OBftSlot c)
SL.lookupInOverlaySchedule SlotNo
firstSlot Set (KeyHash 'Genesis c)
gkeys UnitInterval
d ActiveSlotCoeff
asc SlotNo
slot of
Maybe (OBftSlot c)
| ConsensusConfig (TPraos c)
-> LedgerView (TPraos c)
-> KeyHash 'StakePool c
-> CertifiedVRF (VRF c) Seed
-> Bool
forall c.
PraosCrypto c =>
ConsensusConfig (TPraos c)
-> LedgerView (TPraos c)
-> KeyHash 'StakePool c
-> CertifiedVRF c Seed
-> Bool
meetsLeaderThreshold ConsensusConfig (TPraos c)
cfg LedgerView (TPraos c)
lv (KeyHash 'BlockIssuer c -> KeyHash 'StakePool c
forall (r :: KeyRole) c (r' :: KeyRole).
KeyHash r c -> KeyHash r' c
forall (a :: KeyRole -> * -> *) (r :: KeyRole) c (r' :: KeyRole).
HasKeyRole a =>
a r c -> a r' c
SL.coerceKeyRole KeyHash 'BlockIssuer c
vkhCold) CertifiedVRF (VRF c) Seed
-> TPraosIsLeader c -> Maybe (TPraosIsLeader c)
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just TPraosIsLeader {
tpraosIsLeaderEta :: CertifiedVRF (VRF c) Nonce
tpraosIsLeaderEta = CertifiedVRF (VRF c) Seed -> CertifiedVRF (VRF c) Nonce
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce CertifiedVRF (VRF c) Seed
, tpraosIsLeaderProof :: CertifiedVRF (VRF c) Natural
tpraosIsLeaderProof = CertifiedVRF (VRF c) Seed -> CertifiedVRF (VRF c) Natural
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce CertifiedVRF (VRF c) Seed
, tpraosIsLeaderGenVRFHash :: Maybe (Hash c (VerKeyVRF c))
tpraosIsLeaderGenVRFHash = Maybe (Hash c (VerKeyVRF c))
forall a. Maybe a
| Bool
-> Maybe (IsLeader (TPraos c))
Maybe (TPraosIsLeader c)
forall a. Maybe a
Just OBftSlot c
SL.NonActiveSlot -> Maybe (IsLeader (TPraos c))
Maybe (TPraosIsLeader c)
forall a. Maybe a
Just (SL.ActiveSlot KeyHash 'Genesis c
gkhash) -> case KeyHash 'Genesis c
-> Map (KeyHash 'Genesis c) (GenDelegPair c)
-> Maybe (GenDelegPair c)
forall k a. Ord k => k -> Map k a -> Maybe a
Map.lookup KeyHash 'Genesis c
gkhash Map (KeyHash 'Genesis c) (GenDelegPair c)
dlgMap of
Maybe (GenDelegPair c)
-> String -> Maybe (TPraosIsLeader c)
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
error String
"unknown genesis key in overlay schedule"
Just (SL.GenDelegPair KeyHash 'GenesisDelegate c
dlgHash VRFVerKeyHash 'GenDelegVRF c
| KeyHash 'GenesisDelegate c -> KeyHash 'BlockIssuer c
forall (r :: KeyRole) c (r' :: KeyRole).
KeyHash r c -> KeyHash r' c
forall (a :: KeyRole -> * -> *) (r :: KeyRole) c (r' :: KeyRole).
HasKeyRole a =>
a r c -> a r' c
SL.coerceKeyRole KeyHash 'GenesisDelegate c
dlgHash KeyHash 'BlockIssuer c -> KeyHash 'BlockIssuer c -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== KeyHash 'BlockIssuer c
-> TPraosIsLeader c -> Maybe (TPraosIsLeader c)
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just TPraosIsLeader {
tpraosIsLeaderEta :: CertifiedVRF (VRF c) Nonce
tpraosIsLeaderEta = CertifiedVRF (VRF c) Seed -> CertifiedVRF (VRF c) Nonce
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce CertifiedVRF (VRF c) Seed
, tpraosIsLeaderProof :: CertifiedVRF (VRF c) Natural
tpraosIsLeaderProof = CertifiedVRF (VRF c) Seed -> CertifiedVRF (VRF c) Natural
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce CertifiedVRF (VRF c) Seed
, tpraosIsLeaderGenVRFHash :: Maybe (Hash c (VerKeyVRF c))
tpraosIsLeaderGenVRFHash = Hash c (VerKeyVRF c) -> Maybe (Hash c (VerKeyVRF c))
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (Hash c (VerKeyVRF c) -> Maybe (Hash c (VerKeyVRF c)))
-> Hash c (VerKeyVRF c) -> Maybe (Hash c (VerKeyVRF c))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ VRFVerKeyHash 'GenDelegVRF c -> Hash c (VerKeyVRF c)
forall (r :: KeyRoleVRF) c v.
VRFVerKeyHash r c -> Hash (HASH c) (VerKeyVRF v)
SL.fromVRFVerKeyHash VRFVerKeyHash 'GenDelegVRF c
| Bool
-> Maybe (IsLeader (TPraos c))
Maybe (TPraosIsLeader c)
forall a. Maybe a
chainState :: ChainDepState c
chainState = Ticked (TPraosState c) -> ChainDepState c
forall c. Ticked (TPraosState c) -> ChainDepState c
tickedTPraosStateChainDepState Ticked (ChainDepState (TPraos c))
Ticked (TPraosState c)
lv :: LedgerView (TPraos c)
lv = Ticked (TPraosState c) -> LedgerView (TPraos c)
forall c. Ticked (TPraosState c) -> LedgerView (TPraos c)
tickedTPraosStateLedgerView Ticked (ChainDepState (TPraos c))
Ticked (TPraosState c)
d :: UnitInterval
d = LedgerView c -> UnitInterval
forall c. LedgerView c -> UnitInterval
SL.lvD LedgerView c
LedgerView (TPraos c)
asc :: ActiveSlotCoeff
asc = TPraosParams -> ActiveSlotCoeff
tpraosLeaderF (TPraosParams -> ActiveSlotCoeff)
-> TPraosParams -> ActiveSlotCoeff
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ConsensusConfig (TPraos c) -> TPraosParams
forall c. ConsensusConfig (TPraos c) -> TPraosParams
tpraosParams ConsensusConfig (TPraos c)
firstSlot :: SlotNo
firstSlot =
EpochInfo Identity -> SlotNo -> SlotNo
(EpochInfo (Except PastHorizonException) -> EpochInfo Identity
History.toPureEpochInfo (EpochInfo (Except PastHorizonException) -> EpochInfo Identity)
-> EpochInfo (Except PastHorizonException) -> EpochInfo Identity
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ConsensusConfig (TPraos c)
-> EpochInfo (Except PastHorizonException)
forall c.
ConsensusConfig (TPraos c)
-> EpochInfo (Except PastHorizonException)
tpraosEpochInfo ConsensusConfig (TPraos c)
gkeys :: Set (KeyHash 'Genesis c)
gkeys = Map (KeyHash 'Genesis c) (GenDelegPair c)
-> Set (KeyHash 'Genesis c)
forall k a. Map k a -> Set k
Map.keysSet Map (KeyHash 'Genesis c) (GenDelegPair c)
eta0 :: Nonce
eta0 = TicknState -> Nonce
SL.ticknStateEpochNonce (TicknState -> Nonce) -> TicknState -> Nonce
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ChainDepState c -> TicknState
forall c. ChainDepState c -> TicknState
SL.csTickn ChainDepState c
vkhCold :: KeyHash 'BlockIssuer c
vkhCold = VKey 'BlockIssuer c -> KeyHash 'BlockIssuer c
forall c (kd :: KeyRole). Crypto c => VKey kd c -> KeyHash kd c
SL.hashKey VKey 'BlockIssuer c
rho' :: Seed
rho' = Nonce -> SlotNo -> Nonce -> Seed
SL.mkSeed Nonce
SL.seedEta SlotNo
slot Nonce
y' :: Seed
y' = Nonce -> SlotNo -> Nonce -> Seed
SL.mkSeed Nonce
SL.seedL SlotNo
slot Nonce
rho :: CertifiedVRF (VRF c) Seed
rho = ContextVRF (VRF c)
-> Seed -> SignKeyVRF c -> CertifiedVRF (VRF c) Seed
forall v a.
(VRFAlgorithm v, Signable v a) =>
ContextVRF v -> a -> SignKeyVRF v -> CertifiedVRF v a
VRF.evalCertified () Seed
rho' SignKeyVRF c
y :: CertifiedVRF (VRF c) Seed
y = ContextVRF (VRF c)
-> Seed -> SignKeyVRF c -> CertifiedVRF (VRF c) Seed
forall v a.
(VRFAlgorithm v, Signable v a) =>
ContextVRF v -> a -> SignKeyVRF v -> CertifiedVRF v a
VRF.evalCertified () Seed
y' SignKeyVRF c
SL.GenDelegs Map (KeyHash 'Genesis c) (GenDelegPair c)
dlgMap = LedgerView c -> GenDelegs c
forall c. LedgerView c -> GenDelegs c
SL.lvGenDelegs LedgerView c
LedgerView (TPraos c)
tickChainDepState :: ConsensusConfig (TPraos c)
-> LedgerView (TPraos c)
-> SlotNo
-> ChainDepState (TPraos c)
-> Ticked (ChainDepState (TPraos c))
tickChainDepState cfg :: ConsensusConfig (TPraos c)
cfg@TPraosConfig{EpochInfo (Except PastHorizonException)
tpraosParams :: forall c. ConsensusConfig (TPraos c) -> TPraosParams
tpraosEpochInfo :: forall c.
ConsensusConfig (TPraos c)
-> EpochInfo (Except PastHorizonException)
tpraosParams :: TPraosParams
tpraosEpochInfo :: EpochInfo (Except PastHorizonException)
LedgerView (TPraos c)
(TPraosState WithOrigin SlotNo
lastSlot ChainDepState c
st) =
TickedChainDepState {
tickedTPraosStateChainDepState :: ChainDepState c
tickedTPraosStateChainDepState = ChainDepState c
, tickedTPraosStateLedgerView :: LedgerView (TPraos c)
tickedTPraosStateLedgerView = LedgerView (TPraos c)
st' :: ChainDepState c
st' = Globals
-> LedgerView c -> Bool -> ChainDepState c -> ChainDepState c
forall c.
-> LedgerView c -> Bool -> ChainDepState c -> ChainDepState c
(ConsensusConfig (TPraos c) -> Globals
forall c. ConsensusConfig (TPraos c) -> Globals
mkShelleyGlobals ConsensusConfig (TPraos c)
LedgerView c
LedgerView (TPraos c)
( EpochInfo Identity -> WithOrigin SlotNo -> SlotNo -> Bool
(EpochInfo (Except PastHorizonException) -> EpochInfo Identity
History.toPureEpochInfo EpochInfo (Except PastHorizonException)
WithOrigin SlotNo
ChainDepState c
updateChainDepState :: HasCallStack =>
ConsensusConfig (TPraos c)
-> ValidateView (TPraos c)
-> SlotNo
-> Ticked (ChainDepState (TPraos c))
-> Except (ValidationErr (TPraos c)) (ChainDepState (TPraos c))
updateChainDepState ConsensusConfig (TPraos c)
cfg ValidateView (TPraos c)
b SlotNo
slot Ticked (ChainDepState (TPraos c))
cs =
WithOrigin SlotNo -> ChainDepState c -> TPraosState c
forall c. WithOrigin SlotNo -> ChainDepState c -> TPraosState c
TPraosState (SlotNo -> WithOrigin SlotNo
forall t. t -> WithOrigin t
NotOrigin SlotNo
slot) (ChainDepState c -> TPraosState c)
-> ExceptT (ChainTransitionError c) Identity (ChainDepState c)
-> ExceptT (ChainTransitionError c) Identity (TPraosState c)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
-> LedgerView c
-> BHeader c
-> ChainDepState c
-> ExceptT (ChainTransitionError c) Identity (ChainDepState c)
forall c (m :: * -> *).
(PraosCrypto c, MonadError (ChainTransitionError c) m) =>
-> LedgerView c
-> BHeader c
-> ChainDepState c
-> m (ChainDepState c)
(ConsensusConfig (TPraos c) -> Globals
forall c. ConsensusConfig (TPraos c) -> Globals
mkShelleyGlobals ConsensusConfig (TPraos c)
(Ticked (TPraosState c) -> LedgerView (TPraos c)
forall c. Ticked (TPraosState c) -> LedgerView (TPraos c)
tickedTPraosStateLedgerView Ticked (ChainDepState (TPraos c))
Ticked (TPraosState c)
BHeader c
ValidateView (TPraos c)
(Ticked (TPraosState c) -> ChainDepState c
forall c. Ticked (TPraosState c) -> ChainDepState c
tickedTPraosStateChainDepState Ticked (ChainDepState (TPraos c))
Ticked (TPraosState c)
reupdateChainDepState :: HasCallStack =>
ConsensusConfig (TPraos c)
-> ValidateView (TPraos c)
-> SlotNo
-> Ticked (ChainDepState (TPraos c))
-> ChainDepState (TPraos c)
reupdateChainDepState ConsensusConfig (TPraos c)
cfg ValidateView (TPraos c)
b SlotNo
slot Ticked (ChainDepState (TPraos c))
cs =
WithOrigin SlotNo -> ChainDepState c -> TPraosState c
forall c. WithOrigin SlotNo -> ChainDepState c -> TPraosState c
TPraosState (SlotNo -> WithOrigin SlotNo
forall t. t -> WithOrigin t
NotOrigin SlotNo
slot) (ChainDepState c -> TPraosState c)
-> ChainDepState c -> TPraosState c
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
-> LedgerView c -> BHeader c -> ChainDepState c -> ChainDepState c
forall c.
PraosCrypto c =>
-> LedgerView c -> BHeader c -> ChainDepState c -> ChainDepState c
(ConsensusConfig (TPraos c) -> Globals
forall c. ConsensusConfig (TPraos c) -> Globals
mkShelleyGlobals ConsensusConfig (TPraos c)
(Ticked (TPraosState c) -> LedgerView (TPraos c)
forall c. Ticked (TPraosState c) -> LedgerView (TPraos c)
tickedTPraosStateLedgerView Ticked (ChainDepState (TPraos c))
Ticked (TPraosState c)
BHeader c
ValidateView (TPraos c)
(Ticked (TPraosState c) -> ChainDepState c
forall c. Ticked (TPraosState c) -> ChainDepState c
tickedTPraosStateChainDepState Ticked (ChainDepState (TPraos c))
Ticked (TPraosState c)
mkShelleyGlobals :: ConsensusConfig (TPraos c) -> SL.Globals
mkShelleyGlobals :: forall c. ConsensusConfig (TPraos c) -> Globals
mkShelleyGlobals TPraosConfig{EpochInfo (Except PastHorizonException)
tpraosParams :: forall c. ConsensusConfig (TPraos c) -> TPraosParams
tpraosEpochInfo :: forall c.
ConsensusConfig (TPraos c)
-> EpochInfo (Except PastHorizonException)
tpraosParams :: TPraosParams
tpraosEpochInfo :: EpochInfo (Except PastHorizonException)
..} = SL.Globals {
epochInfo :: EpochInfo (Either Text)
epochInfo =
(forall a. Except PastHorizonException a -> Either Text a)
-> EpochInfo (Except PastHorizonException)
-> EpochInfo (Either Text)
forall (m :: * -> *) (n :: * -> *).
(forall a. m a -> n a) -> EpochInfo m -> EpochInfo n
(Except Text a -> Either Text a
forall e a. Except e a -> Either e a
runExcept (Except Text a -> Either Text a)
-> (Except PastHorizonException a -> Except Text a)
-> Except PastHorizonException a
-> Either Text a
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (PastHorizonException -> Text)
-> Except PastHorizonException a -> Except Text a
forall (m :: * -> *) e e' a.
Functor m =>
(e -> e') -> ExceptT e m a -> ExceptT e' m a
withExceptT (String -> Text
T.pack (String -> Text)
-> (PastHorizonException -> String) -> PastHorizonException -> Text
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. PastHorizonException -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
EpochInfo (Except PastHorizonException)
, slotsPerKESPeriod :: Word64
slotsPerKESPeriod = Word64
, stabilityWindow :: Word64
stabilityWindow = Word64 -> ActiveSlotCoeff -> Word64
SL.computeStabilityWindow Word64
k ActiveSlotCoeff
, randomnessStabilisationWindow :: Word64
randomnessStabilisationWindow = Word64 -> ActiveSlotCoeff -> Word64
SL.computeRandomnessStabilisationWindow Word64
k ActiveSlotCoeff
, securityParameter :: Word64
securityParameter = Word64
, maxKESEvo :: Word64
maxKESEvo = Word64
, quorum :: Word64
quorum = Word64
, maxLovelaceSupply :: Word64
maxLovelaceSupply = Word64
, activeSlotCoeff :: ActiveSlotCoeff
activeSlotCoeff = ActiveSlotCoeff
, networkId :: Network
networkId = Network
, systemStart :: SystemStart
systemStart = SystemStart
SecurityParam Word64
k = SecurityParam
tpraosSlotsPerKESPeriod :: TPraosParams -> Word64
tpraosLeaderF :: TPraosParams -> ActiveSlotCoeff
tpraosSecurityParam :: TPraosParams -> SecurityParam
tpraosMaxKESEvo :: TPraosParams -> Word64
tpraosQuorum :: TPraosParams -> Word64
tpraosMaxMajorPV :: TPraosParams -> MaxMajorProtVer
tpraosMaxLovelaceSupply :: TPraosParams -> Word64
tpraosNetworkId :: TPraosParams -> Network
tpraosInitialNonce :: TPraosParams -> Nonce
tpraosSystemStart :: TPraosParams -> SystemStart
tpraosSlotsPerKESPeriod :: Word64
tpraosLeaderF :: ActiveSlotCoeff
tpraosMaxKESEvo :: Word64
tpraosQuorum :: Word64
tpraosMaxLovelaceSupply :: Word64
tpraosNetworkId :: Network
tpraosSystemStart :: SystemStart
tpraosSecurityParam :: SecurityParam
tpraosMaxMajorPV :: MaxMajorProtVer
tpraosInitialNonce :: Nonce
..} = TPraosParams
meetsLeaderThreshold ::
forall c. SL.PraosCrypto c
=> ConsensusConfig (TPraos c)
-> LedgerView (TPraos c)
-> SL.KeyHash 'SL.StakePool c
-> SL.CertifiedVRF c SL.Seed
-> Bool
meetsLeaderThreshold :: forall c.
PraosCrypto c =>
ConsensusConfig (TPraos c)
-> LedgerView (TPraos c)
-> KeyHash 'StakePool c
-> CertifiedVRF c Seed
-> Bool
meetsLeaderThreshold TPraosConfig { TPraosParams
tpraosParams :: forall c. ConsensusConfig (TPraos c) -> TPraosParams
tpraosParams :: TPraosParams
tpraosParams }
SL.LedgerView { PoolDistr c
lvPoolDistr :: PoolDistr c
lvPoolDistr :: forall c. LedgerView c -> PoolDistr c
lvPoolDistr }
KeyHash 'StakePool c
CertifiedVRF c Seed
certNat =
OutputVRF (VRF c) -> Rational -> ActiveSlotCoeff -> Bool
forall v.
VRFAlgorithm v =>
OutputVRF v -> Rational -> ActiveSlotCoeff -> Bool
(CertifiedVRF c Seed -> OutputVRF (VRF c)
forall v a. CertifiedVRF v a -> OutputVRF v
VRF.certifiedOutput CertifiedVRF c Seed
(TPraosParams -> ActiveSlotCoeff
tpraosLeaderF TPraosParams
SL.PoolDistr Map (KeyHash 'StakePool c) (IndividualPoolStake c)
poolDistr CompactForm Coin
_totalActiveStake = PoolDistr c
r :: Rational
r = Rational
-> (IndividualPoolStake c -> Rational)
-> Maybe (IndividualPoolStake c)
-> Rational
forall b a. b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
maybe Rational
0 IndividualPoolStake c -> Rational
forall c. IndividualPoolStake c -> Rational
(Maybe (IndividualPoolStake c) -> Rational)
-> Maybe (IndividualPoolStake c) -> Rational
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ KeyHash 'StakePool c
-> Map (KeyHash 'StakePool c) (IndividualPoolStake c)
-> Maybe (IndividualPoolStake c)
forall k a. Ord k => k -> Map k a -> Maybe a
Map.lookup KeyHash 'StakePool c
keyHash Map (KeyHash 'StakePool c) (IndividualPoolStake c)
data TPraosCannotForge c =
| TPraosCannotForgeWrongVRF
!(SL.Hash c (SL.VerKeyVRF c))
!(SL.Hash c (SL.VerKeyVRF c))
deriving ((forall x. TPraosCannotForge c -> Rep (TPraosCannotForge c) x)
-> (forall x. Rep (TPraosCannotForge c) x -> TPraosCannotForge c)
-> Generic (TPraosCannotForge c)
forall x. Rep (TPraosCannotForge c) x -> TPraosCannotForge c
forall x. TPraosCannotForge c -> Rep (TPraosCannotForge c) x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
forall c x. Rep (TPraosCannotForge c) x -> TPraosCannotForge c
forall c x. TPraosCannotForge c -> Rep (TPraosCannotForge c) x
$cfrom :: forall c x. TPraosCannotForge c -> Rep (TPraosCannotForge c) x
from :: forall x. TPraosCannotForge c -> Rep (TPraosCannotForge c) x
$cto :: forall c x. Rep (TPraosCannotForge c) x -> TPraosCannotForge c
to :: forall x. Rep (TPraosCannotForge c) x -> TPraosCannotForge c
deriving instance SL.PraosCrypto c => Show (TPraosCannotForge c)
tpraosCheckCanForge ::
ConsensusConfig (TPraos c)
-> SL.Hash c (SL.VerKeyVRF c)
-> SlotNo
-> IsLeader (TPraos c)
-> HotKey.KESInfo
-> Either (TPraosCannotForge c) ()
tpraosCheckCanForge :: forall c.
ConsensusConfig (TPraos c)
-> Hash c (VerKeyVRF c)
-> SlotNo
-> IsLeader (TPraos c)
-> KESInfo
-> Either (TPraosCannotForge c) ()
tpraosCheckCanForge TPraosConfig { TPraosParams
tpraosParams :: forall c. ConsensusConfig (TPraos c) -> TPraosParams
tpraosParams :: TPraosParams
tpraosParams }
Hash (HASH c) (VerKeyVRF (VRF c))
TPraosIsLeader { Maybe (Hash (HASH c) (VerKeyVRF (VRF c)))
tpraosIsLeaderGenVRFHash :: forall c. TPraosIsLeader c -> Maybe (Hash c (VerKeyVRF c))
tpraosIsLeaderGenVRFHash :: Maybe (Hash (HASH c) (VerKeyVRF (VRF c)))
tpraosIsLeaderGenVRFHash }
| let startPeriod :: KESPeriod
startPeriod = KESInfo -> KESPeriod
HotKey.kesStartPeriod KESInfo
, KESPeriod
startPeriod KESPeriod -> KESPeriod -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
> KESPeriod
= TPraosCannotForge c -> Either (TPraosCannotForge c) ()
forall a. TPraosCannotForge c -> Either (TPraosCannotForge c) a
forall e (m :: * -> *) a. MonadError e m => e -> m a
throwError (TPraosCannotForge c -> Either (TPraosCannotForge c) ())
-> TPraosCannotForge c -> Either (TPraosCannotForge c) ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ KESPeriod -> KESPeriod -> TPraosCannotForge c
forall c. KESPeriod -> KESPeriod -> TPraosCannotForge c
TPraosCannotForgeKeyNotUsableYet KESPeriod
wallclockPeriod KESPeriod
| Just Hash (HASH c) (VerKeyVRF (VRF c))
genVRFHash <- Maybe (Hash (HASH c) (VerKeyVRF (VRF c)))
, Hash (HASH c) (VerKeyVRF (VRF c))
genVRFHash Hash (HASH c) (VerKeyVRF (VRF c))
-> Hash (HASH c) (VerKeyVRF (VRF c)) -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= Hash (HASH c) (VerKeyVRF (VRF c))
= TPraosCannotForge c -> Either (TPraosCannotForge c) ()
forall a. TPraosCannotForge c -> Either (TPraosCannotForge c) a
forall e (m :: * -> *) a. MonadError e m => e -> m a
throwError (TPraosCannotForge c -> Either (TPraosCannotForge c) ())
-> TPraosCannotForge c -> Either (TPraosCannotForge c) ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Hash (HASH c) (VerKeyVRF (VRF c))
-> Hash (HASH c) (VerKeyVRF (VRF c)) -> TPraosCannotForge c
forall c.
Hash c (VerKeyVRF c) -> Hash c (VerKeyVRF c) -> TPraosCannotForge c
TPraosCannotForgeWrongVRF Hash (HASH c) (VerKeyVRF (VRF c))
genVRFHash Hash (HASH c) (VerKeyVRF (VRF c))
| Bool
= () -> Either (TPraosCannotForge c) ()
forall a. a -> Either (TPraosCannotForge c) a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()
wallclockPeriod :: Absolute.KESPeriod
wallclockPeriod :: KESPeriod
wallclockPeriod = Word -> KESPeriod
Absolute.KESPeriod (Word -> KESPeriod) -> Word -> KESPeriod
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Word64 -> Word
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral (Word64 -> Word) -> Word64 -> Word
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
SlotNo -> Word64
unSlotNo SlotNo
curSlot Word64 -> Word64 -> Word64
forall a. Integral a => a -> a -> a
`div` TPraosParams -> Word64
tpraosSlotsPerKESPeriod TPraosParams
instance SL.PraosCrypto c => PraosProtocolSupportsNode (TPraos c) where
type PraosProtocolSupportsNodeCrypto (TPraos c) = c
getPraosNonces :: forall (proxy :: * -> *).
proxy (TPraos c) -> ChainDepState (TPraos c) -> PraosNonces
getPraosNonces proxy (TPraos c)
_prx ChainDepState (TPraos c)
cdst =
PraosNonces {
candidateNonce :: Nonce
candidateNonce :: Nonce
, epochNonce :: Nonce
epochNonce = Nonce
, Nonce
evolvingNonce :: Nonce
evolvingNonce :: Nonce
, labNonce :: Nonce
labNonce = Nonce
, previousLabNonce :: Nonce
previousLabNonce = Nonce
TPraosState { ChainDepState c
tpraosStateChainDepState :: forall c. TPraosState c -> ChainDepState c
tpraosStateChainDepState :: ChainDepState c
tpraosStateChainDepState } = ChainDepState (TPraos c)
SL.ChainDepState {
csLabNonce :: Nonce
csLabNonce :: forall c. ChainDepState c -> Nonce
, PrtclState c
csProtocol :: PrtclState c
csProtocol :: forall c. ChainDepState c -> PrtclState c
, TicknState
csTickn :: forall c. ChainDepState c -> TicknState
csTickn :: TicknState
} = ChainDepState c
Map (KeyHash 'BlockIssuer c) Word64
= PrtclState c
SL.TicknState {
ticknStateEpochNonce :: TicknState -> Nonce
ticknStateEpochNonce :: Nonce
, Nonce
ticknStatePrevHashNonce :: Nonce
ticknStatePrevHashNonce :: TicknState -> Nonce
} = TicknState
getOpCertCounters :: forall (proxy :: * -> *).
proxy (TPraos c)
-> ChainDepState (TPraos c)
-> Map
(KeyHash 'BlockIssuer (PraosProtocolSupportsNodeCrypto (TPraos c)))
getOpCertCounters proxy (TPraos c)
_prx ChainDepState (TPraos c)
cdst = Map (KeyHash 'BlockIssuer c) Word64
(KeyHash 'BlockIssuer (PraosProtocolSupportsNodeCrypto (TPraos c)))
TPraosState { ChainDepState c
tpraosStateChainDepState :: forall c. TPraosState c -> ChainDepState c
tpraosStateChainDepState :: ChainDepState c
tpraosStateChainDepState } = ChainDepState (TPraos c)
SL.ChainDepState {
PrtclState c
csProtocol :: forall c. ChainDepState c -> PrtclState c
csProtocol :: PrtclState c
} = ChainDepState c
Map (KeyHash 'BlockIssuer c) Word64
= PrtclState c
instance (Condense toSign, SL.PraosCrypto c) => Condense (TPraosFields c toSign) where
condense :: TPraosFields c toSign -> String
condense = toSign -> String
forall a. Condense a => a -> String
condense (toSign -> String)
-> (TPraosFields c toSign -> toSign)
-> TPraosFields c toSign
-> String
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. TPraosFields c toSign -> toSign
forall c toSign. TPraosFields c toSign -> toSign