ouroboros-consensus-diffusion- Integration for the Ouroboros Network layer
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Intended for qualified import



data Handlers m addr blk Source #

Protocol handlers for node-to-node (remote) communication

mkHandlers ∷ ∀ m blk addrNTN addrNTC. (IOLike m, MonadTime m, MonadTimer m, LedgerSupportsMempool blk, HasTxId (GenTx blk), LedgerSupportsProtocol blk, Ord addrNTN, Hashable addrNTN) ⇒ NodeKernelArgs m addrNTN addrNTC blk → NodeKernel m addrNTN addrNTC blk → Handlers m addrNTN blk Source #


data Codecs blk addr e m bCS bSCS bBF bSBF bTX bKA bPS Source #

Node-to-node protocol codecs needed to run Handlers.




defaultCodecs ∷ ∀ m blk addr. (IOLike m, SerialiseNodeToNodeConstraints blk) ⇒ CodecConfig blk → BlockNodeToNodeVersion blk → (NodeToNodeVersion → addr → Encoding) → (NodeToNodeVersion → ∀ s. Decoder s addr) → NodeToNodeVersionCodecs blk addr DeserialiseFailure m ByteString ByteString ByteString ByteString ByteString ByteString ByteString Source #

Protocol codecs for the node-to-node protocols

identityCodecsMonad m ⇒ Codecs blk addr CodecFailure m (AnyMessage (ChainSync (Header blk) (Point blk) (Tip blk))) (AnyMessage (ChainSync (SerialisedHeader blk) (Point blk) (Tip blk))) (AnyMessage (BlockFetch blk (Point blk))) (AnyMessage (BlockFetch (Serialised blk) (Point blk))) (AnyMessage (TxSubmission2 (GenTxId blk) (GenTx blk))) (AnyMessage KeepAlive) (AnyMessage (PeerSharing addr)) Source #

Identity codecs used in tests.

Byte Limits

data ByteLimits bCS bBF bTX bKA Source #

Per mini-protocol byte limits; For each mini-protocol they provide per-state byte size limits, i.e. how much data can arrive from the network.

They don't depend on the instantiation of the protocol parameters (which block type is used, etc.), hence the use of RankNTypes.

noByteLimitsByteLimits bCS bBF bTX bKA Source #


type Tracers m peer blk e = Tracers' peer blk e (Tracer m) Source #

A record of Tracers for the different protocols.

data Tracers' peer blk e f Source #


Instances details
(∀ a. Semigroup (f a)) ⇒ Semigroup (Tracers' peer blk e f) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Ouroboros.Consensus.Network.NodeToNode


(<>)Tracers' peer blk e f → Tracers' peer blk e f → Tracers' peer blk e f #

sconcatNonEmpty (Tracers' peer blk e f) → Tracers' peer blk e f #

stimesIntegral b ⇒ b → Tracers' peer blk e f → Tracers' peer blk e f #

nullTracersMonad m ⇒ Tracers m peer blk e Source #

Use a nullTracer for each protocol.

showTracers ∷ (Show blk, Show peer, Show (Header blk), Show (GenTx blk), Show (GenTxId blk), HasHeader blk, HasNestedContent Header blk) ⇒ Tracer m StringTracers m peer blk e Source #


data Apps m addr bCS bBF bTX bKA bPS a b Source #

Applications for the node-to-node protocols

See MuxApplication




type ClientApp m addr bytes a = NodeToNodeVersionExpandedInitiatorContext addr m → Channel m bytes → m (a, Maybe bytes) Source #

A node-to-node application

type ServerApp m addr bytes a = NodeToNodeVersionResponderContext addr → Channel m bytes → m (a, Maybe bytes) Source #

mkApps Source #


∷ ∀ m addrNTN addrNTC blk e bCS bBF bTX bKA bPS. (IOLike m, MonadTimer m, Ord addrNTN, Exception e, LedgerSupportsProtocol blk, ShowProxy blk, ShowProxy (Header blk), ShowProxy (TxId (GenTx blk)), ShowProxy (GenTx blk)) 
NodeKernel m addrNTN addrNTC blk

Needed for bracketing only

Tracers m (ConnectionId addrNTN) blk e 
→ (NodeToNodeVersionCodecs blk addrNTN e m bCS bCS bBF bBF bTX bKA bPS) 
ByteLimits bCS bBF bTX bKA 
→ m ChainSyncTimeout 
ReportPeerMetrics m (ConnectionId addrNTN) 
Handlers m addrNTN blk 
Apps m addrNTN bCS bBF bTX bKA bPS NodeToNodeInitiatorResult () 

Construct the NetworkApplication for the node-to-node protocols


initiatorMiniProtocolParametersNodeToNodeVersionPeerSharingApps m addr b b b b b a c → OuroborosBundleWithExpandedCtx 'InitiatorMode addr b m a Void Source #

A projection from NetworkApplication to a client-side OuroborosApplication for the node-to-node protocols.

Implementation note: network currently doesn't enable protocols conditional on the protocol version, but it eventually may; this is why _version is currently unused.

initiatorAndResponderMiniProtocolParametersNodeToNodeVersionPeerSharingApps m addr b b b b b a c → OuroborosBundleWithExpandedCtx 'InitiatorResponderMode addr b m a c Source #

A bi-directional network application.

Implementation note: network currently doesn't enable protocols conditional on the protocol version, but it eventually may; this is why _version is currently unused.


data ChainSyncTimeout Source #

Configurable timeouts

These are configurable for at least the following reasons.

o So that deployment and testing can use different values.

o So that a net running Praos can better cope with streaks of empty slots. (See intersectmbo/ouroboros-network#2245.)