Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



This module provides a watcher of the invariants that are specific to the ChainSync jumping (CSJ) implementation. Those invariants are typically documented in the codebase but are not checked in any way, yet they are crucial for CSJ to work properly. This watcher monitors the ChainSync handlers and throws a Violation exception when an invariant stops holding. It is intended for testing purposes.



data Violation peer blk Source #

An exception that is thrown when an invariant is violated. It carries the name of the invariant and the view of the state that triggered the invariant violation.


Instances details
(Typeable blk, StandardHash blk, Eq peer, Show peer, Typeable peer) ⇒ Exception (Violation peer blk) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.Consensus.PeerSimulator.CSJInvariants

(StandardHash blk, Show peer) ⇒ Show (Violation peer blk) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.Consensus.PeerSimulator.CSJInvariants


showsPrecIntViolation peer blk → ShowS #

showViolation peer blk → String #

showList ∷ [Violation peer blk] → ShowS #

(StandardHash blk, Eq peer) ⇒ Eq (Violation peer blk) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.Consensus.PeerSimulator.CSJInvariants


(==)Violation peer blk → Violation peer blk → Bool #

(/=)Violation peer blk → Violation peer blk → Bool #

watcher ∷ (MonadSTM m, MonadThrow m, Eq peer, Show peer, Typeable peer, Typeable blk, StandardHash blk) ⇒ STM m (Map peer (ChainSyncClientHandle m blk)) → Watcher m (View peer blk) (View peer blk) Source #

The watcher of ChainSync jumping invariants. It receives the ChainSync handles and monitors them for changes. When a change is detected, it runs all the invariants and throws Violation if any of the invariants is violated.