{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DisambiguateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}

module Test.ThreadNet.TxGen.Shelley (
    ShelleyTxGenExtra (..)
  , WhetherToGeneratePPUs (..)
  , genTx
  , mkGenEnv
  ) where

import           Cardano.Crypto.Hash (HashAlgorithm)
import qualified Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.API as SL
import           Control.Monad.Except (runExcept)
import           Ouroboros.Consensus.Block
import           Ouroboros.Consensus.Config
import           Ouroboros.Consensus.Ledger.Abstract
import           Ouroboros.Consensus.Ledger.SupportsMempool
import           Ouroboros.Consensus.Protocol.TPraos (TPraos)
import           Ouroboros.Consensus.Shelley.HFEras ()
import           Ouroboros.Consensus.Shelley.Ledger
import qualified Test.Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.Constants as Gen
import qualified Test.Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.Generator.Core as Gen
import           Test.Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.Generator.EraGen
                     (EraGen (genEraTwoPhase2Arg, genEraTwoPhase3Arg))
import qualified Test.Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.Generator.Presets as Gen.Presets
import           Test.Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.Generator.ShelleyEraGen ()
import qualified Test.Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.Generator.Utxo as Gen
import           Test.Consensus.Shelley.MockCrypto (MockCrypto, MockShelley)
import           Test.QuickCheck
import           Test.ThreadNet.Infra.Shelley
import           Test.ThreadNet.TxGen (TxGen (..))

data ShelleyTxGenExtra h = ShelleyTxGenExtra
  { -- | Generator environment.
    forall h. ShelleyTxGenExtra h -> GenEnv (MockShelley h)
stgeGenEnv  :: Gen.GenEnv (MockShelley h)
    -- | Generate no transactions before this slot.
  , forall h. ShelleyTxGenExtra h -> SlotNo
stgeStartAt :: SlotNo

instance HashAlgorithm h => TxGen (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h)) where

  type TxGenExtra (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h)) = ShelleyTxGenExtra h

  testGenTxs :: CoreNodeId
-> NumCoreNodes
-> SlotNo
-> TopLevelConfig
     (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))
-> TxGenExtra
     (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))
-> LedgerState
     (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))
-> Gen
     [GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))]
testGenTxs CoreNodeId
_coreNodeId NumCoreNodes
_numCoreNodes SlotNo
curSlotNo TopLevelConfig
  (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))
cfg TxGenExtra (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))
extra LedgerState (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))
      | SlotNo
stgeStartAt SlotNo -> SlotNo -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
> SlotNo
curSlotNo = [GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))]
-> Gen
     [GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))]
forall a. a -> Gen a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure []

      -- TODO Temporarily disable the transaction generator until we fix the
      -- failing assertion in TxSubmission.Inbound, see #2680.
      -- When fixed, remove the True case keepig the else case below to re-enable
      -- the transaction generator.

      | Bool
otherwise               =
      if Bool
        then [GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))]
-> Gen
     [GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))]
forall a. a -> Gen a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure []
        else do
n <- (Integer, Integer) -> Gen Integer
forall a. Random a => (a, a) -> Gen a
choose (Integer
0, Integer
          [GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))]
-> Integer
-> TickedLedgerState
     (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))
-> Gen
     [GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))]
go [] Integer
n (TickedLedgerState
   (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))
 -> Gen
      [GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))])
-> TickedLedgerState
     (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))
-> Gen
     [GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ LedgerCfg
     (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h)))
-> SlotNo
-> LedgerState
     (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))
-> TickedLedgerState
     (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))
forall l. IsLedger l => LedgerCfg l -> SlotNo -> l -> Ticked l
applyChainTick LedgerCfg
     (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h)))
lcfg SlotNo
curSlotNo LedgerState (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))
        { GenEnv (MockShelley h)
stgeGenEnv :: forall h. ShelleyTxGenExtra h -> GenEnv (MockShelley h)
stgeGenEnv :: GenEnv (MockShelley h)
        , SlotNo
stgeStartAt :: forall h. ShelleyTxGenExtra h -> SlotNo
stgeStartAt :: SlotNo
        } = TxGenExtra (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))

      lcfg :: LedgerConfig (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))
      lcfg :: LedgerCfg
     (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h)))
lcfg = TopLevelConfig
  (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))
-> LedgerCfg
        (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h)))
forall blk. TopLevelConfig blk -> LedgerConfig blk
configLedger TopLevelConfig
  (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))

      go :: [GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))]  -- ^ Accumulator
         -> Integer  -- ^ Number of txs to still produce
         -> TickedLedgerState (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))
         -> Gen [GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))]
      go :: [GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))]
-> Integer
-> TickedLedgerState
     (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))
-> Gen
     [GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))]
go [GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))]
acc Integer
0 TickedLedgerState
  (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))
_  = [GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))]
-> Gen
     [GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))]
forall a. a -> Gen a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ([GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))]
-> [GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))]
forall a. [a] -> [a]
reverse [GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))]
      go [GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))]
acc Integer
n TickedLedgerState
  (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))
st = do
  (GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h)))
mbTx <- TopLevelConfig
  (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))
-> SlotNo
-> TickedLedgerState
     (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))
-> GenEnv (MockShelley h)
-> Gen
        (GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))))
forall h.
HashAlgorithm h =>
  (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))
-> SlotNo
-> TickedLedgerState
     (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))
-> GenEnv (MockShelley h)
-> Gen
        (GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))))
genTx TopLevelConfig
  (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))
cfg SlotNo
curSlotNo TickedLedgerState
  (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))
st GenEnv (MockShelley h)
        case Maybe
  (GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h)))
mbTx of
  (GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h)))
Nothing -> [GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))]
-> Gen
     [GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))]
forall a. a -> Gen a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ([GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))]
-> [GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))]
forall a. [a] -> [a]
reverse [GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))]
acc)  -- cannot afford more transactions
          Just GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))
tx -> case Except
  (ApplyTxError (MockShelley h))
     (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h)))
-> Either
     (ApplyTxError (MockShelley h))
        (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h)))
forall e a. Except e a -> Either e a
runExcept (Except
   (ApplyTxError (MockShelley h))
      (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h)))
 -> Either
      (ApplyTxError (MockShelley h))
         (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))))
-> Except
     (ApplyTxError (MockShelley h))
        (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h)))
-> Either
     (ApplyTxError (MockShelley h))
        (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h)))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (TickedLedgerState
   (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h)),
   (GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))))
-> TickedLedgerState
     (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))
forall a b. (a, b) -> a
fst ((TickedLedgerState
    (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h)),
    (GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))))
 -> TickedLedgerState
      (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h)))
-> ExceptT
     (ApplyTxError (MockShelley h))
        (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h)),
        (GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))))
-> Except
     (ApplyTxError (MockShelley h))
        (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h)))
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> LedgerCfg
     (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h)))
-> WhetherToIntervene
-> SlotNo
-> GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))
-> TickedLedgerState
     (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))
-> Except
     (ApplyTxErr (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h)))
        (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h)),
        (GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))))
forall blk.
LedgerSupportsMempool blk =>
LedgerConfig blk
-> WhetherToIntervene
-> SlotNo
-> GenTx blk
-> TickedLedgerState blk
-> Except
     (ApplyTxErr blk) (TickedLedgerState blk, Validated (GenTx blk))
applyTx LedgerCfg
     (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h)))
lcfg WhetherToIntervene
DoNotIntervene SlotNo
curSlotNo GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))
tx TickedLedgerState
  (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))
st of
              -- We don't mind generating invalid transactions
              Left  ApplyTxError (MockShelley h)
_   -> [GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))]
-> Integer
-> TickedLedgerState
     (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))
-> Gen
     [GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))]
go (GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))
txGenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))
-> [GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))]
-> [GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
:[GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))]
acc) (Integer
n Integer -> Integer -> Integer
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- Integer
1) TickedLedgerState
  (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))
              Right TickedLedgerState
  (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))
st' -> [GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))]
-> Integer
-> TickedLedgerState
     (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))
-> Gen
     [GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))]
go (GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))
txGenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))
-> [GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))]
-> [GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
:[GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))]
acc) (Integer
n Integer -> Integer -> Integer
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- Integer
1) TickedLedgerState
  (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))

genTx ::
     forall h. HashAlgorithm h
  => TopLevelConfig (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))
  -> SlotNo
  -> TickedLedgerState (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))
  -> Gen.GenEnv (MockShelley h)
  -> Gen (Maybe (GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))))
genTx :: forall h.
HashAlgorithm h =>
  (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))
-> SlotNo
-> TickedLedgerState
     (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))
-> GenEnv (MockShelley h)
-> Gen
        (GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))))
genTx TopLevelConfig
  (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))
_cfg SlotNo
slotNo TickedShelleyLedgerState { NewEpochState (MockShelley h)
tickedShelleyLedgerState :: NewEpochState (MockShelley h)
tickedShelleyLedgerState :: forall proto era.
Ticked (LedgerState (ShelleyBlock proto era)) -> NewEpochState era
tickedShelleyLedgerState } GenEnv (MockShelley h)
genEnv =
    GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))
-> Maybe
     (GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h)))
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))
 -> Maybe
      (GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))))
-> (ShelleyTx (MockShelley h)
    -> GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h)))
-> ShelleyTx (MockShelley h)
-> Maybe
     (GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h)))
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Tx (MockShelley h)
-> GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))
ShelleyTx (MockShelley h)
-> GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))
forall era proto.
ShelleyBasedEra era =>
Tx era -> GenTx (ShelleyBlock proto era)
mkShelleyTx (ShelleyTx (MockShelley h)
 -> Maybe
      (GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))))
-> Gen (ShelleyTx (MockShelley h))
-> Gen
        (GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos (MockCrypto h)) (MockShelley h))))
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> GenEnv (MockShelley h)
-> LedgerEnv (MockShelley h)
-> LedgerState (MockShelley h)
-> Gen (Tx (MockShelley h))
forall era.
(EraGen era, EraUTxO era, Mock (EraCrypto era),
 Embed (EraRule "DELPL" era) (CERTS era),
 Environment (EraRule "DELPL" era) ~ DelplEnv era,
 State (EraRule "DELPL" era) ~ CertState era,
 Signal (EraRule "DELPL" era) ~ TxCert era) =>
GenEnv era -> LedgerEnv era -> LedgerState era -> Gen (Tx era)
      GenEnv (MockShelley h)
      LedgerEnv (MockShelley h)
      (UTxOState (MockShelley h)
-> CertState (MockShelley h) -> LedgerState (MockShelley h)
forall era. UTxOState era -> CertState era -> LedgerState era
SL.LedgerState UTxOState (MockShelley h)
utxoSt CertState (MockShelley h)
    epochState :: SL.EpochState (MockShelley h)
    epochState :: EpochState (MockShelley h)
epochState = NewEpochState (MockShelley h) -> EpochState (MockShelley h)
forall era. NewEpochState era -> EpochState era
SL.nesEs NewEpochState (MockShelley h)

    ledgerEnv :: SL.LedgerEnv (MockShelley h)
    ledgerEnv :: LedgerEnv (MockShelley h)
ledgerEnv = SL.LedgerEnv
      { ledgerEpochNo :: Maybe EpochNo
ledgerEpochNo  = Maybe EpochNo
forall a. Maybe a
      , ledgerSlotNo :: SlotNo
ledgerSlotNo   = SlotNo
      , ledgerIx :: TxIx
ledgerIx       = TxIx
forall a. Bounded a => a
      , ledgerPp :: PParams (MockShelley h)
ledgerPp       = NewEpochState (MockShelley h) -> PParams (MockShelley h)
forall era. EraGov era => NewEpochState era -> PParams era
getPParams NewEpochState (MockShelley h)
      , ledgerAccount :: AccountState
ledgerAccount  = EpochState (MockShelley h) -> AccountState
forall era. EpochState era -> AccountState
SL.esAccountState EpochState (MockShelley h)
      , ledgerMempool :: Bool
ledgerMempool  = Bool

    utxoSt :: SL.UTxOState (MockShelley h)
    utxoSt :: UTxOState (MockShelley h)
utxoSt =
        LedgerState (MockShelley h) -> UTxOState (MockShelley h)
forall era. LedgerState era -> UTxOState era
      (LedgerState (MockShelley h) -> UTxOState (MockShelley h))
-> (EpochState (MockShelley h) -> LedgerState (MockShelley h))
-> EpochState (MockShelley h)
-> UTxOState (MockShelley h)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. EpochState (MockShelley h) -> LedgerState (MockShelley h)
forall era. EpochState era -> LedgerState era
      (EpochState (MockShelley h) -> UTxOState (MockShelley h))
-> EpochState (MockShelley h) -> UTxOState (MockShelley h)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ EpochState (MockShelley h)

    dpState :: SL.CertState (MockShelley h)
    dpState :: CertState (MockShelley h)
dpState =
        LedgerState (MockShelley h) -> CertState (MockShelley h)
forall era. LedgerState era -> CertState era
      (LedgerState (MockShelley h) -> CertState (MockShelley h))
-> (EpochState (MockShelley h) -> LedgerState (MockShelley h))
-> EpochState (MockShelley h)
-> CertState (MockShelley h)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. EpochState (MockShelley h) -> LedgerState (MockShelley h)
forall era. EpochState era -> LedgerState era
      (EpochState (MockShelley h) -> CertState (MockShelley h))
-> EpochState (MockShelley h) -> CertState (MockShelley h)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ EpochState (MockShelley h)

data WhetherToGeneratePPUs = DoNotGeneratePPUs | DoGeneratePPUs
  deriving (Int -> WhetherToGeneratePPUs -> ShowS
[WhetherToGeneratePPUs] -> ShowS
WhetherToGeneratePPUs -> String
(Int -> WhetherToGeneratePPUs -> ShowS)
-> (WhetherToGeneratePPUs -> String)
-> ([WhetherToGeneratePPUs] -> ShowS)
-> Show WhetherToGeneratePPUs
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
$cshowsPrec :: Int -> WhetherToGeneratePPUs -> ShowS
showsPrec :: Int -> WhetherToGeneratePPUs -> ShowS
$cshow :: WhetherToGeneratePPUs -> String
show :: WhetherToGeneratePPUs -> String
$cshowList :: [WhetherToGeneratePPUs] -> ShowS
showList :: [WhetherToGeneratePPUs] -> ShowS

mkGenEnv ::
     forall h. HashAlgorithm h
  => WhetherToGeneratePPUs
  -> [CoreNode (MockCrypto h)]
  -> Gen.GenEnv (MockShelley h)
mkGenEnv :: forall h.
HashAlgorithm h =>
-> [CoreNode (MockCrypto h)] -> GenEnv (MockShelley h)
mkGenEnv WhetherToGeneratePPUs
whetherPPUs [CoreNode (MockCrypto h)]
coreNodes = KeySpace (MockShelley h)
-> ScriptSpace (MockShelley h)
-> Constants
-> GenEnv (MockShelley h)
forall era.
KeySpace era -> ScriptSpace era -> Constants -> GenEnv era
Gen.GenEnv KeySpace (MockShelley h)
keySpace ScriptSpace (MockShelley h)
scriptSpace Constants
    -- Configuration of the transaction generator
    constants :: Gen.Constants
    constants :: Constants
constants =
        Constants -> Constants
setCerts (Constants -> Constants) -> Constants -> Constants
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
        Constants -> Constants
setPPUs (Constants -> Constants) -> Constants -> Constants
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
          { Gen.frequencyMIRCert = 0
          , Gen.genTxStableUtxoSize = 100
          , Gen.genTxUtxoIncrement = 3
        -- Testing with certificates requires additional handling in the
        -- testing framework, because, for example, they may transfer block
        -- issuance rights from one node to another, and we must have the
        -- relevant nodes brought online at that point.
        setCerts :: Constants -> Constants
setCerts Constants
cs = Constants
cs{ Gen.maxCertsPerTx = 0 }

        setPPUs :: Constants -> Constants
setPPUs Constants
cs = case WhetherToGeneratePPUs
whetherPPUs of
DoGeneratePPUs    -> Constants
DoNotGeneratePPUs -> Constants
cs{ Gen.frequencyTxUpdates = 0 }

    keySpace :: Gen.KeySpace (MockShelley h)
    keySpace :: KeySpace (MockShelley h)
keySpace =
      [(GenesisKeyPair (EraCrypto (MockShelley h)),
  AllIssuerKeys (EraCrypto (MockShelley h)) 'GenesisDelegate)]
-> [AllIssuerKeys (EraCrypto (MockShelley h)) 'GenesisDelegate]
-> [AllIssuerKeys (EraCrypto (MockShelley h)) 'StakePool]
-> KeyPairs (EraCrypto (MockShelley h))
-> [(Script (MockShelley h), Script (MockShelley h))]
-> KeySpace (MockShelley h)
forall era.
ScriptClass era =>
[(GenesisKeyPair (EraCrypto era),
  AllIssuerKeys (EraCrypto era) 'GenesisDelegate)]
-> [AllIssuerKeys (EraCrypto era) 'GenesisDelegate]
-> [AllIssuerKeys (EraCrypto era) 'StakePool]
-> KeyPairs (EraCrypto era)
-> [(Script era, Script era)]
-> KeySpace era
        (CoreNodeKeyInfo (MockCrypto h)
-> (KeyPair 'Genesis (MockCrypto h),
    AllIssuerKeys (MockCrypto h) 'GenesisDelegate)
forall c.
CoreNodeKeyInfo c
-> (KeyPair 'Genesis c, AllIssuerKeys c 'GenesisDelegate)
cnkiCoreNode (CoreNodeKeyInfo (MockCrypto h)
 -> (KeyPair 'Genesis (MockCrypto h),
     AllIssuerKeys (MockCrypto h) 'GenesisDelegate))
-> [CoreNodeKeyInfo (MockCrypto h)]
-> [(KeyPair 'Genesis (MockCrypto h),
     AllIssuerKeys (MockCrypto h) 'GenesisDelegate)]
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> [CoreNodeKeyInfo (MockCrypto h)]
        [AllIssuerKeys (EraCrypto (MockShelley h)) 'GenesisDelegate]
        [AllIssuerKeys (EraCrypto (MockShelley h)) 'StakePool]
        (KeyPairs (EraCrypto (MockShelley h))
[(KeyPair 'Payment (MockCrypto h),
  KeyPair 'Staking (MockCrypto h))]
ksKeyPairs [(KeyPair 'Payment (MockCrypto h),
  KeyPair 'Staking (MockCrypto h))]
-> [(KeyPair 'Payment (MockCrypto h),
     KeyPair 'Staking (MockCrypto h))]
-> [(KeyPair 'Payment (MockCrypto h),
     KeyPair 'Staking (MockCrypto h))]
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> (CoreNodeKeyInfo (MockCrypto h)
-> (KeyPair 'Payment (MockCrypto h),
    KeyPair 'Staking (MockCrypto h))
forall c.
CoreNodeKeyInfo c -> (KeyPair 'Payment c, KeyPair 'Staking c)
cnkiKeyPair (CoreNodeKeyInfo (MockCrypto h)
 -> (KeyPair 'Payment (MockCrypto h),
     KeyPair 'Staking (MockCrypto h)))
-> [CoreNodeKeyInfo (MockCrypto h)]
-> [(KeyPair 'Payment (MockCrypto h),
     KeyPair 'Staking (MockCrypto h))]
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> [CoreNodeKeyInfo (MockCrypto h)]
        [(Script (MockShelley h), Script (MockShelley h))]
        cn :: [CoreNodeKeyInfo (MockCrypto h)]
cn = CoreNode (MockCrypto h) -> CoreNodeKeyInfo (MockCrypto h)
forall c. PraosCrypto c => CoreNode c -> CoreNodeKeyInfo c
coreNodeKeys (CoreNode (MockCrypto h) -> CoreNodeKeyInfo (MockCrypto h))
-> [CoreNode (MockCrypto h)] -> [CoreNodeKeyInfo (MockCrypto h)]
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> [CoreNode (MockCrypto h)]
          { KeyPairs (EraCrypto (MockShelley h))
ksKeyPairs :: KeyPairs (EraCrypto (MockShelley h))
ksKeyPairs :: forall era. KeySpace era -> KeyPairs (EraCrypto era)
            [(Script (MockShelley h), Script (MockShelley h))]
ksMSigScripts :: [(Script (MockShelley h), Script (MockShelley h))]
ksMSigScripts :: forall era. KeySpace era -> [(Script era, Script era)]
            [AllIssuerKeys (EraCrypto (MockShelley h)) 'GenesisDelegate]
ksGenesisDelegates :: [AllIssuerKeys (EraCrypto (MockShelley h)) 'GenesisDelegate]
ksGenesisDelegates :: forall era.
KeySpace era -> [AllIssuerKeys (EraCrypto era) 'GenesisDelegate]
            [AllIssuerKeys (EraCrypto (MockShelley h)) 'StakePool]
ksStakePools :: [AllIssuerKeys (EraCrypto (MockShelley h)) 'StakePool]
ksStakePools :: forall era.
KeySpace era -> [AllIssuerKeys (EraCrypto era) 'StakePool]
          } =
            forall era. EraGen era => Constants -> KeySpace era
Gen.Presets.keySpace @(MockShelley h) Constants

    scriptSpace :: Gen.ScriptSpace (MockShelley h)
    scriptSpace :: ScriptSpace (MockShelley h)
scriptSpace =
      forall era.
EraScript era =>
[TwoPhase3ArgInfo era] -> [TwoPhase2ArgInfo era] -> ScriptSpace era
Gen.Presets.scriptSpace @(MockShelley h)
           (forall era. EraGen era => [TwoPhase3ArgInfo era]
genEraTwoPhase3Arg @(MockShelley h))
           (forall era. EraGen era => [TwoPhase2ArgInfo era]
genEraTwoPhase2Arg @(MockShelley h))