{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}

module Test.ThreadNet.TxGen.Cardano (CardanoTxGenExtra (..)) where

import qualified Cardano.Chain.Common as Byron
import           Cardano.Chain.Genesis (GeneratedSecrets (..))
import           Cardano.Crypto (toVerification)
import qualified Cardano.Crypto.Signing as Byron
import qualified Cardano.Ledger.Address as SL (BootstrapAddress (..))
import qualified Cardano.Ledger.Hashes as SL
import qualified Cardano.Ledger.Keys.Bootstrap as SL (makeBootstrapWitness)
import qualified Cardano.Ledger.SafeHash as SL
import qualified Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.API as SL
import qualified Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.Core as SL
import           Cardano.Ledger.Val ((<->))
import           Control.Exception (assert)
import           Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import           Data.Maybe (maybeToList)
import qualified Data.Sequence.Strict as StrictSeq
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import           Data.SOP.BasicFunctors
import           Data.SOP.Strict
import           Data.SOP.Telescope as Tele
import           Lens.Micro
import           Ouroboros.Consensus.Block (SlotNo (..))
import           Ouroboros.Consensus.Cardano
import           Ouroboros.Consensus.Cardano.Block (CardanoEras, GenTx (..),
import           Ouroboros.Consensus.Cardano.Node (CardanoHardForkConstraints)
import           Ouroboros.Consensus.Config
import           Ouroboros.Consensus.HardFork.Combinator.Ledger
import           Ouroboros.Consensus.HardFork.Combinator.State.Types
                     (currentState, getHardForkState)
import           Ouroboros.Consensus.Ledger.Basics (LedgerConfig, LedgerState,
import           Ouroboros.Consensus.NodeId (CoreNodeId (..))
import           Ouroboros.Consensus.Protocol.TPraos (TPraos)
import           Ouroboros.Consensus.Shelley.Ledger (ShelleyBlock, mkShelleyTx)
import           Ouroboros.Consensus.Shelley.Ledger.Ledger (Ticked,
import qualified Test.Cardano.Ledger.Core.KeyPair as TL (mkWitnessVKey)
import qualified Test.ThreadNet.Infra.Shelley as Shelley
import           Test.ThreadNet.TxGen

data CardanoTxGenExtra c = CardanoTxGenExtra
  { forall c. CardanoTxGenExtra c -> GeneratedSecrets
ctgeByronGenesisKeys :: GeneratedSecrets
  , forall c. CardanoTxGenExtra c -> NetworkMagic
ctgeNetworkMagic     :: Byron.NetworkMagic
  , forall c. CardanoTxGenExtra c -> [CoreNode c]
ctgeShelleyCoreNodes :: [Shelley.CoreNode c]

instance CardanoHardForkConstraints c => TxGen (CardanoBlock c) where

  type TxGenExtra (CardanoBlock c) = CardanoTxGenExtra c

  -- TODO also generate " typical " Byron and Shelley transactions
  testGenTxs :: CoreNodeId
-> NumCoreNodes
-> SlotNo
-> TopLevelConfig (CardanoBlock c)
-> TxGenExtra (CardanoBlock c)
-> LedgerState (CardanoBlock c)
-> Gen [GenTx (CardanoBlock c)]
testGenTxs (CoreNodeId Word64
i) NumCoreNodes
_ncn SlotNo
curSlot TopLevelConfig (CardanoBlock c)
cfg TxGenExtra (CardanoBlock c)
extra LedgerState (CardanoBlock c)
ls =
      [GenTx (CardanoBlock c)] -> Gen [GenTx (CardanoBlock c)]
forall a. a -> Gen a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ([GenTx (CardanoBlock c)] -> Gen [GenTx (CardanoBlock c)])
-> [GenTx (CardanoBlock c)] -> Gen [GenTx (CardanoBlock c)]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Maybe (GenTx (CardanoBlock c)) -> [GenTx (CardanoBlock c)]
forall a. Maybe a -> [a]
maybeToList (Maybe (GenTx (CardanoBlock c)) -> [GenTx (CardanoBlock c)])
-> Maybe (GenTx (CardanoBlock c)) -> [GenTx (CardanoBlock c)]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ MigrationInfo c
-> SlotNo
-> LedgerConfig (CardanoBlock c)
-> LedgerState (CardanoBlock c)
-> Maybe (GenTx (CardanoBlock c))
forall c.
CardanoHardForkConstraints c =>
MigrationInfo c
-> SlotNo
-> LedgerConfig (CardanoBlock c)
-> LedgerState (CardanoBlock c)
-> Maybe (GenTx (CardanoBlock c))
migrateUTxO MigrationInfo c
migrationInfo SlotNo
curSlot LedgerConfig (CardanoBlock c)
lcfg LedgerState (CardanoBlock c)
      lcfg :: LedgerConfig (CardanoBlock c)
lcfg = TopLevelConfig (CardanoBlock c) -> LedgerConfig (CardanoBlock c)
forall blk. TopLevelConfig blk -> LedgerConfig blk
topLevelConfigLedger TopLevelConfig (CardanoBlock c)

        { GeneratedSecrets
ctgeByronGenesisKeys :: forall c. CardanoTxGenExtra c -> GeneratedSecrets
ctgeByronGenesisKeys :: GeneratedSecrets
        , NetworkMagic
ctgeNetworkMagic :: forall c. CardanoTxGenExtra c -> NetworkMagic
ctgeNetworkMagic :: NetworkMagic
        , [CoreNode c]
ctgeShelleyCoreNodes :: forall c. CardanoTxGenExtra c -> [CoreNode c]
ctgeShelleyCoreNodes :: [CoreNode c]
        } = TxGenExtra (CardanoBlock c)

        { [SigningKey]
gsRichSecrets :: [SigningKey]
gsRichSecrets :: GeneratedSecrets -> [SigningKey]
        } = GeneratedSecrets

      migrationInfo :: MigrationInfo c
migrationInfo = MigrationInfo
        { byronMagic :: NetworkMagic
byronMagic = NetworkMagic
        , SigningKey
byronSK :: SigningKey
byronSK :: SigningKey
        , SignKeyDSIGN c
paymentSK :: SignKeyDSIGN c
paymentSK :: SignKeyDSIGN c
        , SignKeyDSIGN c
poolSK :: SignKeyDSIGN c
poolSK :: SignKeyDSIGN c
        , SignKeyDSIGN c
stakingSK :: SignKeyDSIGN c
stakingSK :: SignKeyDSIGN c
        , SignKeyVRF c
vrfSK :: SignKeyVRF c
vrfSK :: SignKeyVRF c

      byronSK :: Byron.SigningKey
      byronSK :: SigningKey
byronSK = [SigningKey]
gsRichSecrets [SigningKey] -> Int -> SigningKey
forall a. HasCallStack => [a] -> Int -> a
!! Word64 -> Int
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral Word64

        { cnDelegateKey :: forall c. CoreNode c -> SignKeyDSIGN c
Shelley.cnDelegateKey = SignKeyDSIGN c
        , cnStakingKey :: forall c. CoreNode c -> SignKeyDSIGN c
Shelley.cnStakingKey  = SignKeyDSIGN c
        , cnVRF :: forall c. CoreNode c -> SignKeyVRF c
Shelley.cnVRF         = SignKeyVRF c
        } = [CoreNode c]
ctgeShelleyCoreNodes [CoreNode c] -> Int -> CoreNode c
forall a. HasCallStack => [a] -> Int -> a
!! Word64 -> Int
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral Word64

      -- Reuse the payment key as the pool key, since it's an individual
      -- stake pool and the namespaces are separate.
      poolSK :: SL.SignKeyDSIGN c
      poolSK :: SignKeyDSIGN c
poolSK = SignKeyDSIGN c

-- | See 'migrateUTxO'
data MigrationInfo c = MigrationInfo
  { forall c. MigrationInfo c -> NetworkMagic
byronMagic :: Byron.NetworkMagic
    -- ^ Needed for creating a Byron address.
  , forall c. MigrationInfo c -> SigningKey
byronSK    :: Byron.SigningKey
    -- ^ The core node's Byron secret.
  , forall c. MigrationInfo c -> SignKeyDSIGN c
paymentSK  :: SL.SignKeyDSIGN c
  , forall c. MigrationInfo c -> SignKeyDSIGN c
poolSK     :: SL.SignKeyDSIGN c
  , forall c. MigrationInfo c -> SignKeyDSIGN c
stakingSK  :: SL.SignKeyDSIGN c
  , forall c. MigrationInfo c -> SignKeyVRF c
vrfSK      :: SL.SignKeyVRF   c
    -- ^ To be re-used by the individual pool.

-- | Convert a core node's utxo from Byron to an active Shelley stake pool.
-- Returns a transaction that registers a staking key, registers an individual
-- stake pool, delegates that stake key to that stake pool, and transfers all
-- utxo from the Byron 'byronAddr' to the Shelley address corresponding to the
-- pair of 'paymentSK' and 'stakingSK'.
-- It returns 'Nothing' if the core node does not have any utxo in its
-- 'byronAddr' (eg if this transaction has already been applied).
migrateUTxO ::
     forall c. CardanoHardForkConstraints c
  => MigrationInfo c
  -> SlotNo
  -> LedgerConfig (CardanoBlock c)
  -> LedgerState (CardanoBlock c)
  -> Maybe (GenTx (CardanoBlock c))
migrateUTxO :: forall c.
CardanoHardForkConstraints c =>
MigrationInfo c
-> SlotNo
-> LedgerConfig (CardanoBlock c)
-> LedgerState (CardanoBlock c)
-> Maybe (GenTx (CardanoBlock c))
migrateUTxO MigrationInfo c
migrationInfo SlotNo
curSlot LedgerConfig (CardanoBlock c)
lcfg LedgerState (CardanoBlock c)
    | Just UTxO (ShelleyEra c)
utxo <- Maybe (UTxO (ShelleyEra c))
mbUTxO =

    let picked :: Map (SL.TxIn c) (SL.TxOut (ShelleyEra c))
        picked :: Map (TxIn c) (TxOut (ShelleyEra c))
picked = (TxOut (ShelleyEra c) -> Bool)
-> Map (TxIn c) (TxOut (ShelleyEra c))
-> Map (TxIn c) (TxOut (ShelleyEra c))
forall a k. (a -> Bool) -> Map k a -> Map k a
Map.filter TxOut (ShelleyEra c) -> Bool
ShelleyTxOut (ShelleyEra c) -> Bool
forall {era}.
      (CmpNat (ProtVerLow era) (ProtVerHigh era)) 'True 'True 'False)
   (TypeError ...),
   (OrdCond (CmpNat 0 (ProtVerLow era)) 'True 'True 'False)
   (TypeError ...),
   (OrdCond (CmpNat 0 (ProtVerHigh era)) 'True 'True 'False)
   (TypeError ...),
 Era era, Val (Value era)) =>
ShelleyTxOut era -> Bool
pick (Map (TxIn c) (TxOut (ShelleyEra c))
 -> Map (TxIn c) (TxOut (ShelleyEra c)))
-> Map (TxIn c) (TxOut (ShelleyEra c))
-> Map (TxIn c) (TxOut (ShelleyEra c))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ UTxO (ShelleyEra c)
-> Map (TxIn (EraCrypto (ShelleyEra c))) (TxOut (ShelleyEra c))
forall era. UTxO era -> Map (TxIn (EraCrypto era)) (TxOut era)
SL.unUTxO UTxO (ShelleyEra c)
            pick :: ShelleyTxOut era -> Bool
pick (SL.ShelleyTxOut Addr (EraCrypto era)
addr Value era
_) =
                Addr (EraCrypto era)
addr Addr (EraCrypto era) -> Addr (EraCrypto era) -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== BootstrapAddress (EraCrypto era) -> Addr (EraCrypto era)
forall c. BootstrapAddress c -> Addr c
SL.AddrBootstrap (Address -> BootstrapAddress (EraCrypto era)
forall c. Address -> BootstrapAddress c
SL.BootstrapAddress Address

        -- Total held by 'byronAddr'
        pickedCoin :: SL.Coin
        pickedCoin :: Coin
pickedCoin = (ShelleyTxOut (ShelleyEra c) -> Coin)
-> Map (TxIn c) (ShelleyTxOut (ShelleyEra c)) -> Coin
forall m a. Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Map (TxIn c) a -> m
forall (t :: * -> *) m a.
(Foldable t, Monoid m) =>
(a -> m) -> t a -> m
foldMap (\(SL.ShelleyTxOut Addr (EraCrypto (ShelleyEra c))
_ Value (ShelleyEra c)
coin) -> Value (ShelleyEra c)
coin) Map (TxIn c) (TxOut (ShelleyEra c))
Map (TxIn c) (ShelleyTxOut (ShelleyEra c))

        -- NOTE: The Cardano ThreadNet tests use the
        -- ouroboros-consensus-shelley-test infra's genesis config, which sets
        -- relevant protocol params to 0.
        fee, deposits, spentCoin :: SL.Coin
        fee :: Coin
fee       = Integer -> Coin
SL.Coin  Integer
        deposits :: Coin
deposits  = Integer -> Coin
SL.Coin Integer
        spentCoin :: Coin
spentCoin = Coin
deposits Coin -> Coin -> Coin
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Coin

        unspentCoin :: SL.Coin
        unspentCoin :: Coin
unspentCoin =
            Bool -> Coin -> Coin
forall a. HasCallStack => Bool -> a -> a
assert (Coin
pickedCoin Coin -> Coin -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
> Coin
spentCoin) (Coin -> Coin) -> Coin -> Coin
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
pickedCoin Coin -> Coin -> Coin
forall t. Val t => t -> t -> t
<-> Coin

        body :: SL.TxBody (ShelleyEra c)
        body :: TxBody (ShelleyEra c)
body = TxBody (ShelleyEra c)
forall era. EraTxBody era => TxBody era
          TxBody (ShelleyEra c)
-> (TxBody (ShelleyEra c) -> TxBody (ShelleyEra c))
-> TxBody (ShelleyEra c)
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
& (StrictSeq (TxCert (ShelleyEra c))
 -> Identity (StrictSeq (TxCert (ShelleyEra c))))
-> TxBody (ShelleyEra c) -> Identity (TxBody (ShelleyEra c))
forall era.
EraTxBody era =>
Lens' (TxBody era) (StrictSeq (TxCert era))
Lens' (TxBody (ShelleyEra c)) (StrictSeq (TxCert (ShelleyEra c)))
SL.certsTxBodyL   ((StrictSeq (TxCert (ShelleyEra c))
  -> Identity (StrictSeq (TxCert (ShelleyEra c))))
 -> TxBody (ShelleyEra c) -> Identity (TxBody (ShelleyEra c)))
-> StrictSeq (TxCert (ShelleyEra c))
-> TxBody (ShelleyEra c)
-> TxBody (ShelleyEra c)
forall s t a b. ASetter s t a b -> b -> s -> t
.~ [TxCert (ShelleyEra c)] -> StrictSeq (TxCert (ShelleyEra c))
forall a. [a] -> StrictSeq a
              [ StakeCredential (EraCrypto (ShelleyEra c)) -> TxCert (ShelleyEra c)
forall era.
ShelleyEraTxCert era =>
StakeCredential (EraCrypto era) -> TxCert era
SL.RegTxCert (StakeCredential (EraCrypto (ShelleyEra c))
 -> TxCert (ShelleyEra c))
-> StakeCredential (EraCrypto (ShelleyEra c))
-> TxCert (ShelleyEra c)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ SignKeyDSIGN (EraCrypto (ShelleyEra c))
-> StakeCredential (EraCrypto (ShelleyEra c))
forall c (r :: KeyRole).
Crypto c =>
SignKeyDSIGN c -> Credential r c
Shelley.mkCredential SignKeyDSIGN c
SignKeyDSIGN (EraCrypto (ShelleyEra c))
              , PoolParams (EraCrypto (ShelleyEra c)) -> TxCert (ShelleyEra c)
forall era.
EraTxCert era =>
PoolParams (EraCrypto era) -> TxCert era
SL.RegPoolTxCert (PoolParams (EraCrypto (ShelleyEra c)) -> TxCert (ShelleyEra c))
-> PoolParams (EraCrypto (ShelleyEra c)) -> TxCert (ShelleyEra c)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Coin -> PoolParams c
poolParams Coin
              , StakeCredential (EraCrypto (ShelleyEra c))
-> KeyHash 'StakePool (EraCrypto (ShelleyEra c))
-> TxCert (ShelleyEra c)
forall era.
ShelleyEraTxCert era =>
StakeCredential (EraCrypto era)
-> KeyHash 'StakePool (EraCrypto era) -> TxCert era
                  (SignKeyDSIGN c -> Credential 'Staking c
forall c (r :: KeyRole).
Crypto c =>
SignKeyDSIGN c -> Credential r c
Shelley.mkCredential SignKeyDSIGN c
stakingSK) (SignKeyDSIGN c -> KeyHash 'StakePool c
forall c (r :: KeyRole). Crypto c => SignKeyDSIGN c -> KeyHash r c
Shelley.mkKeyHash SignKeyDSIGN c
          TxBody (ShelleyEra c)
-> (TxBody (ShelleyEra c) -> TxBody (ShelleyEra c))
-> TxBody (ShelleyEra c)
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
& (Set (TxIn (EraCrypto (ShelleyEra c))) -> Identity (Set (TxIn c)))
-> TxBody (ShelleyEra c) -> Identity (TxBody (ShelleyEra c))
(Set (TxIn (EraCrypto (ShelleyEra c)))
 -> Identity (Set (TxIn (EraCrypto (ShelleyEra c)))))
-> TxBody (ShelleyEra c) -> Identity (TxBody (ShelleyEra c))
forall era.
EraTxBody era =>
Lens' (TxBody era) (Set (TxIn (EraCrypto era)))
  (TxBody (ShelleyEra c)) (Set (TxIn (EraCrypto (ShelleyEra c))))
SL.inputsTxBodyL  ((Set (TxIn (EraCrypto (ShelleyEra c))) -> Identity (Set (TxIn c)))
 -> TxBody (ShelleyEra c) -> Identity (TxBody (ShelleyEra c)))
-> Set (TxIn c) -> TxBody (ShelleyEra c) -> TxBody (ShelleyEra c)
forall s t a b. ASetter s t a b -> b -> s -> t
.~ Map (TxIn c) (ShelleyTxOut (ShelleyEra c)) -> Set (TxIn c)
forall k a. Map k a -> Set k
Map.keysSet Map (TxIn c) (TxOut (ShelleyEra c))
Map (TxIn c) (ShelleyTxOut (ShelleyEra c))
          TxBody (ShelleyEra c)
-> (TxBody (ShelleyEra c) -> TxBody (ShelleyEra c))
-> TxBody (ShelleyEra c)
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
& (StrictSeq (TxOut (ShelleyEra c))
 -> Identity (StrictSeq (TxOut (ShelleyEra c))))
-> TxBody (ShelleyEra c) -> Identity (TxBody (ShelleyEra c))
(StrictSeq (TxOut (ShelleyEra c))
 -> Identity (StrictSeq (ShelleyTxOut (ShelleyEra c))))
-> TxBody (ShelleyEra c) -> Identity (TxBody (ShelleyEra c))
forall era.
EraTxBody era =>
Lens' (TxBody era) (StrictSeq (TxOut era))
Lens' (TxBody (ShelleyEra c)) (StrictSeq (TxOut (ShelleyEra c)))
SL.outputsTxBodyL ((StrictSeq (TxOut (ShelleyEra c))
  -> Identity (StrictSeq (ShelleyTxOut (ShelleyEra c))))
 -> TxBody (ShelleyEra c) -> Identity (TxBody (ShelleyEra c)))
-> StrictSeq (ShelleyTxOut (ShelleyEra c))
-> TxBody (ShelleyEra c)
-> TxBody (ShelleyEra c)
forall s t a b. ASetter s t a b -> b -> s -> t
              ShelleyTxOut (ShelleyEra c)
-> StrictSeq (ShelleyTxOut (ShelleyEra c))
forall a. a -> StrictSeq a
StrictSeq.singleton (Addr (EraCrypto (ShelleyEra c))
-> Value (ShelleyEra c) -> ShelleyTxOut (ShelleyEra c)
forall era.
(HasCallStack, Era era, Val (Value era)) =>
Addr (EraCrypto era) -> Value era -> ShelleyTxOut era
SL.ShelleyTxOut Addr c
Addr (EraCrypto (ShelleyEra c))
shelleyAddr Value (ShelleyEra c)
          TxBody (ShelleyEra c)
-> (TxBody (ShelleyEra c) -> TxBody (ShelleyEra c))
-> TxBody (ShelleyEra c)
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
& (SlotNo -> Identity SlotNo)
-> TxBody (ShelleyEra c) -> Identity (TxBody (ShelleyEra c))
forall era.
(ShelleyEraTxBody era, ExactEra ShelleyEra era) =>
Lens' (TxBody era) SlotNo
Lens' (TxBody (ShelleyEra c)) SlotNo
SL.ttlTxBodyL     ((SlotNo -> Identity SlotNo)
 -> TxBody (ShelleyEra c) -> Identity (TxBody (ShelleyEra c)))
-> SlotNo -> TxBody (ShelleyEra c) -> TxBody (ShelleyEra c)
forall s t a b. ASetter s t a b -> b -> s -> t
.~ Word64 -> SlotNo
SlotNo Word64
forall a. Bounded a => a
          TxBody (ShelleyEra c)
-> (TxBody (ShelleyEra c) -> ShelleyTxBody (ShelleyEra c))
-> ShelleyTxBody (ShelleyEra c)
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
& (Coin -> Identity Coin)
-> TxBody (ShelleyEra c) -> Identity (TxBody (ShelleyEra c))
(Coin -> Identity Coin)
-> TxBody (ShelleyEra c) -> Identity (ShelleyTxBody (ShelleyEra c))
forall era. EraTxBody era => Lens' (TxBody era) Coin
Lens' (TxBody (ShelleyEra c)) Coin
SL.feeTxBodyL     ((Coin -> Identity Coin)
 -> TxBody (ShelleyEra c)
 -> Identity (ShelleyTxBody (ShelleyEra c)))
-> Coin -> TxBody (ShelleyEra c) -> ShelleyTxBody (ShelleyEra c)
forall s t a b. ASetter s t a b -> b -> s -> t
.~ Coin

        bodyHash :: SL.SafeHash c SL.EraIndependentTxBody
        bodyHash :: SafeHash c EraIndependentTxBody
bodyHash = ShelleyTxBody (ShelleyEra c) -> SafeHash c EraIndependentTxBody
forall x index c.
(HashAnnotated x index c, HashAlgorithm (HASH c)) =>
x -> SafeHash c index
SL.hashAnnotated TxBody (ShelleyEra c)
ShelleyTxBody (ShelleyEra c)

        -- Witness the use of bootstrap address's utxo.
        byronWit :: SL.BootstrapWitness c
        byronWit :: BootstrapWitness c
byronWit =
            Hash (HASH c) EraIndependentTxBody
-> SigningKey -> Attributes AddrAttributes -> BootstrapWitness c
forall c.
(DSIGN c ~ Ed25519DSIGN, Crypto c) =>
Hash c EraIndependentTxBody
-> SigningKey -> Attributes AddrAttributes -> BootstrapWitness c
SL.makeBootstrapWitness (SafeHash c EraIndependentTxBody
-> Hash (HASH c) EraIndependentTxBody
forall c i. SafeHash c i -> Hash (HASH c) i
SL.extractHash SafeHash c EraIndependentTxBody
bodyHash) SigningKey
byronSK (Attributes AddrAttributes -> BootstrapWitness c)
-> Attributes AddrAttributes -> BootstrapWitness c
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
            Address -> Attributes AddrAttributes
Byron.addrAttributes Address

        -- Witness the stake delegation.
        delegWit :: SL.WitVKey 'SL.Witness c
        delegWit :: WitVKey 'Witness c
delegWit =
            SafeHash c EraIndependentTxBody
-> KeyPair Any c -> WitVKey 'Witness c
forall c (kr :: KeyRole).
(Crypto c, DSignable c (Hash (HASH c) EraIndependentTxBody)) =>
SafeHash c EraIndependentTxBody
-> KeyPair kr c -> WitVKey 'Witness c
              SafeHash c EraIndependentTxBody
              (SignKeyDSIGN c -> KeyPair Any c
forall c (r :: KeyRole). Crypto c => SignKeyDSIGN c -> KeyPair r c
Shelley.mkKeyPair SignKeyDSIGN c

        -- Witness the pool registration.
        poolWit :: SL.WitVKey 'SL.Witness c
        poolWit :: WitVKey 'Witness c
poolWit =
            SafeHash c EraIndependentTxBody
-> KeyPair Any c -> WitVKey 'Witness c
forall c (kr :: KeyRole).
(Crypto c, DSignable c (Hash (HASH c) EraIndependentTxBody)) =>
SafeHash c EraIndependentTxBody
-> KeyPair kr c -> WitVKey 'Witness c
              SafeHash c EraIndependentTxBody
              (SignKeyDSIGN c -> KeyPair Any c
forall c (r :: KeyRole). Crypto c => SignKeyDSIGN c -> KeyPair r c
Shelley.mkKeyPair SignKeyDSIGN c

    if Map (TxIn c) (ShelleyTxOut (ShelleyEra c)) -> Bool
forall k a. Map k a -> Bool
Map.null Map (TxIn c) (TxOut (ShelleyEra c))
Map (TxIn c) (ShelleyTxOut (ShelleyEra c))
picked then Maybe (GenTx (CardanoBlock c))
forall a. Maybe a
Nothing else
    (GenTx (CardanoBlock c) -> Maybe (GenTx (CardanoBlock c))
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (GenTx (CardanoBlock c) -> Maybe (GenTx (CardanoBlock c)))
-> (ShelleyTx (ShelleyEra c) -> GenTx (CardanoBlock c))
-> ShelleyTx (ShelleyEra c)
-> Maybe (GenTx (CardanoBlock c))
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos c) (ShelleyEra c))
-> GenTx (CardanoBlock c)
forall c.
GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos c) (ShelleyEra c)) -> CardanoGenTx c
GenTxShelley(GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos c) (ShelleyEra c))
 -> GenTx (CardanoBlock c))
-> (ShelleyTx (ShelleyEra c)
    -> GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos c) (ShelleyEra c)))
-> ShelleyTx (ShelleyEra c)
-> GenTx (CardanoBlock c)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Tx (ShelleyEra c) -> GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos c) (ShelleyEra c))
ShelleyTx (ShelleyEra c)
-> GenTx (ShelleyBlock (TPraos c) (ShelleyEra c))
forall era proto.
ShelleyBasedEra era =>
Tx era -> GenTx (ShelleyBlock proto era)
mkShelleyTx) (ShelleyTx (ShelleyEra c) -> Maybe (GenTx (CardanoBlock c)))
-> ShelleyTx (ShelleyEra c) -> Maybe (GenTx (CardanoBlock c))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
      { body :: TxBody (ShelleyEra c)
SL.body          = TxBody (ShelleyEra c)
      , auxiliaryData :: StrictMaybe (TxAuxData (ShelleyEra c))
SL.auxiliaryData = StrictMaybe (TxAuxData (ShelleyEra c))
StrictMaybe (ShelleyTxAuxData (ShelleyEra c))
forall a. StrictMaybe a
      , wits :: TxWits (ShelleyEra c)
SL.wits          = TxWits (ShelleyEra c)
forall era. EraTxWits era => TxWits era
                           TxWits (ShelleyEra c)
-> (TxWits (ShelleyEra c) -> TxWits (ShelleyEra c))
-> TxWits (ShelleyEra c)
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
& (Set (WitVKey 'Witness (EraCrypto (ShelleyEra c)))
 -> Identity (Set (WitVKey 'Witness c)))
-> TxWits (ShelleyEra c) -> Identity (TxWits (ShelleyEra c))
(Set (WitVKey 'Witness (EraCrypto (ShelleyEra c)))
 -> Identity (Set (WitVKey 'Witness (EraCrypto (ShelleyEra c)))))
-> TxWits (ShelleyEra c) -> Identity (TxWits (ShelleyEra c))
forall era.
EraTxWits era =>
Lens' (TxWits era) (Set (WitVKey 'Witness (EraCrypto era)))
  (TxWits (ShelleyEra c))
  (Set (WitVKey 'Witness (EraCrypto (ShelleyEra c))))
SL.addrTxWitsL ((Set (WitVKey 'Witness (EraCrypto (ShelleyEra c)))
  -> Identity (Set (WitVKey 'Witness c)))
 -> TxWits (ShelleyEra c) -> Identity (TxWits (ShelleyEra c)))
-> Set (WitVKey 'Witness c)
-> TxWits (ShelleyEra c)
-> TxWits (ShelleyEra c)
forall s t a b. ASetter s t a b -> b -> s -> t
.~ [WitVKey 'Witness c] -> Set (WitVKey 'Witness c)
forall a. Ord a => [a] -> Set a
Set.fromList [WitVKey 'Witness c
delegWit, WitVKey 'Witness c
                           TxWits (ShelleyEra c)
-> (TxWits (ShelleyEra c) -> ShelleyTxWits (ShelleyEra c))
-> ShelleyTxWits (ShelleyEra c)
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
& (Set (BootstrapWitness (EraCrypto (ShelleyEra c)))
 -> Identity (Set (BootstrapWitness c)))
-> TxWits (ShelleyEra c) -> Identity (ShelleyTxWits (ShelleyEra c))
(Set (BootstrapWitness (EraCrypto (ShelleyEra c)))
 -> Identity (Set (BootstrapWitness (EraCrypto (ShelleyEra c)))))
-> TxWits (ShelleyEra c) -> Identity (TxWits (ShelleyEra c))
forall era.
EraTxWits era =>
Lens' (TxWits era) (Set (BootstrapWitness (EraCrypto era)))
  (TxWits (ShelleyEra c))
  (Set (BootstrapWitness (EraCrypto (ShelleyEra c))))
SL.bootAddrTxWitsL ((Set (BootstrapWitness (EraCrypto (ShelleyEra c)))
  -> Identity (Set (BootstrapWitness c)))
 -> TxWits (ShelleyEra c)
 -> Identity (ShelleyTxWits (ShelleyEra c)))
-> Set (BootstrapWitness c)
-> TxWits (ShelleyEra c)
-> ShelleyTxWits (ShelleyEra c)
forall s t a b. ASetter s t a b -> b -> s -> t
.~ BootstrapWitness c -> Set (BootstrapWitness c)
forall a. a -> Set a
Set.singleton BootstrapWitness c

    | Bool
otherwise           = Maybe (GenTx (CardanoBlock c))
forall a. Maybe a

    mbUTxO :: Maybe (SL.UTxO (ShelleyEra c))
    mbUTxO :: Maybe (UTxO (ShelleyEra c))
mbUTxO =
        (Ticked (LedgerState (ShelleyBlock (TPraos c) (ShelleyEra c)))
 -> UTxO (ShelleyEra c))
-> Maybe
     (Ticked (LedgerState (ShelleyBlock (TPraos c) (ShelleyEra c))))
-> Maybe (UTxO (ShelleyEra c))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap Ticked (LedgerState (ShelleyBlock (TPraos c) (ShelleyEra c)))
-> UTxO (ShelleyEra c)
forall proto era.
Ticked (LedgerState (ShelleyBlock proto era)) -> UTxO era
getUTxOShelley (Maybe
   (Ticked (LedgerState (ShelleyBlock (TPraos c) (ShelleyEra c))))
 -> Maybe (UTxO (ShelleyEra c)))
-> Maybe
     (Ticked (LedgerState (ShelleyBlock (TPraos c) (ShelleyEra c))))
-> Maybe (UTxO (ShelleyEra c))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
        Ticked (LedgerState (CardanoBlock c))
-> Maybe
     (Ticked (LedgerState (ShelleyBlock (TPraos c) (ShelleyEra c))))
forall c.
Ticked (LedgerState (CardanoBlock c))
-> Maybe
     (Ticked (LedgerState (ShelleyBlock (TPraos c) (ShelleyEra c))))
ejectShelleyTickedLedgerState (Ticked (LedgerState (CardanoBlock c))
 -> Maybe
      (Ticked (LedgerState (ShelleyBlock (TPraos c) (ShelleyEra c)))))
-> Ticked (LedgerState (CardanoBlock c))
-> Maybe
     (Ticked (LedgerState (ShelleyBlock (TPraos c) (ShelleyEra c))))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
        LedgerConfig (CardanoBlock c)
-> SlotNo
-> LedgerState (CardanoBlock c)
-> Ticked (LedgerState (CardanoBlock c))
forall l. IsLedger l => LedgerCfg l -> SlotNo -> l -> Ticked l
applyChainTick LedgerConfig (CardanoBlock c)
lcfg SlotNo
curSlot (LedgerState (CardanoBlock c)
 -> Ticked (LedgerState (CardanoBlock c)))
-> LedgerState (CardanoBlock c)
-> Ticked (LedgerState (CardanoBlock c))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
        LedgerState (CardanoBlock c)

      { NetworkMagic
byronMagic :: forall c. MigrationInfo c -> NetworkMagic
byronMagic :: NetworkMagic
      , SigningKey
byronSK :: forall c. MigrationInfo c -> SigningKey
byronSK :: SigningKey
      , SignKeyDSIGN c
paymentSK :: forall c. MigrationInfo c -> SignKeyDSIGN c
paymentSK :: SignKeyDSIGN c
      , SignKeyDSIGN c
poolSK :: forall c. MigrationInfo c -> SignKeyDSIGN c
poolSK :: SignKeyDSIGN c
      , SignKeyDSIGN c
stakingSK :: forall c. MigrationInfo c -> SignKeyDSIGN c
stakingSK :: SignKeyDSIGN c
      , SignKeyVRF c
vrfSK :: forall c. MigrationInfo c -> SignKeyVRF c
vrfSK :: SignKeyVRF c
      } = MigrationInfo c

    byronAddr :: Byron.Address
    byronAddr :: Address
byronAddr =
        NetworkMagic -> VerificationKey -> Address
Byron.makeVerKeyAddress NetworkMagic
byronMagic (VerificationKey -> Address) -> VerificationKey -> Address
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ SigningKey -> VerificationKey
toVerification SigningKey

    -- We use a base reference for the stake so that we can refer to it in the
    -- same tx that registers it.
    shelleyAddr :: SL.Addr c
    shelleyAddr :: Addr c
shelleyAddr =
        Network -> PaymentCredential c -> StakeReference c -> Addr c
forall c.
Network -> PaymentCredential c -> StakeReference c -> Addr c
SL.Addr Network
          (SignKeyDSIGN c -> PaymentCredential c
forall c (r :: KeyRole).
Crypto c =>
SignKeyDSIGN c -> Credential r c
Shelley.mkCredential SignKeyDSIGN c
          (Credential 'Staking c -> StakeReference c
forall c. StakeCredential c -> StakeReference c
SL.StakeRefBase (Credential 'Staking c -> StakeReference c)
-> Credential 'Staking c -> StakeReference c
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ SignKeyDSIGN c -> Credential 'Staking c
forall c (r :: KeyRole).
Crypto c =>
SignKeyDSIGN c -> Credential r c
Shelley.mkCredential SignKeyDSIGN c

    -- A simplistic individual pool
    poolParams :: SL.Coin -> SL.PoolParams c
    poolParams :: Coin -> PoolParams c
poolParams Coin
pledge = SL.PoolParams
        { ppCost :: Coin
SL.ppCost          = Integer -> Coin
SL.Coin Integer
        , ppMetadata :: StrictMaybe PoolMetadata
SL.ppMetadata      = StrictMaybe PoolMetadata
forall a. StrictMaybe a
        , ppMargin :: UnitInterval
SL.ppMargin        = UnitInterval
forall a. Bounded a => a
        , ppOwners :: Set (KeyHash 'Staking c)
SL.ppOwners        = KeyHash 'Staking c -> Set (KeyHash 'Staking c)
forall a. a -> Set a
Set.singleton (KeyHash 'Staking c -> Set (KeyHash 'Staking c))
-> KeyHash 'Staking c -> Set (KeyHash 'Staking c)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ SignKeyDSIGN c -> KeyHash 'Staking c
forall c (r :: KeyRole). Crypto c => SignKeyDSIGN c -> KeyHash r c
Shelley.mkKeyHash SignKeyDSIGN c
        , ppPledge :: Coin
SL.ppPledge        = Coin
        , ppId :: KeyHash 'StakePool c
SL.ppId            = SignKeyDSIGN c -> KeyHash 'StakePool c
forall c (r :: KeyRole). Crypto c => SignKeyDSIGN c -> KeyHash r c
Shelley.mkKeyHash SignKeyDSIGN c
        , ppRewardAccount :: RewardAccount c
SL.ppRewardAccount =
            Network -> Credential 'Staking c -> RewardAccount c
forall c. Network -> Credential 'Staking c -> RewardAccount c
SL.RewardAccount Network
Shelley.networkId (Credential 'Staking c -> RewardAccount c)
-> Credential 'Staking c -> RewardAccount c
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ SignKeyDSIGN c -> Credential 'Staking c
forall c (r :: KeyRole).
Crypto c =>
SignKeyDSIGN c -> Credential r c
Shelley.mkCredential SignKeyDSIGN c
        , ppRelays :: StrictSeq StakePoolRelay
SL.ppRelays        = StrictSeq StakePoolRelay
forall a. StrictSeq a
        , ppVrf :: VRFVerKeyHash 'StakePoolVRF c
SL.ppVrf           = SignKeyVRF c -> VRFVerKeyHash 'StakePoolVRF c
forall c (r :: KeyRoleVRF).
Crypto c =>
SignKeyVRF (VRF c) -> VRFVerKeyHash r c
Shelley.mkKeyHashVrf SignKeyVRF c


ejectShelleyNS ::
     NS f (CardanoEras c)
  -> Maybe (f (ShelleyBlock (TPraos c) (ShelleyEra c)))
ejectShelleyNS :: forall (f :: * -> *) c.
NS f (CardanoEras c)
-> Maybe (f (ShelleyBlock (TPraos c) (ShelleyEra c)))
ejectShelleyNS = \case
    S (Z f x
x) -> f (ShelleyBlock (TPraos c) (ShelleyEra c))
-> Maybe (f (ShelleyBlock (TPraos c) (ShelleyEra c)))
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just f x
f (ShelleyBlock (TPraos c) (ShelleyEra c))
    NS f (CardanoEras c)
_       -> Maybe (f (ShelleyBlock (TPraos c) (ShelleyEra c)))
forall a. Maybe a

getUTxOShelley :: Ticked (LedgerState (ShelleyBlock proto era))
               -> SL.UTxO era
getUTxOShelley :: forall proto era.
Ticked (LedgerState (ShelleyBlock proto era)) -> UTxO era
getUTxOShelley Ticked (LedgerState (ShelleyBlock proto era))
tls =
    UTxOState era -> UTxO era
forall era. UTxOState era -> UTxO era
SL.utxosUtxo (UTxOState era -> UTxO era) -> UTxOState era -> UTxO era
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
    LedgerState era -> UTxOState era
forall era. LedgerState era -> UTxOState era
SL.lsUTxOState (LedgerState era -> UTxOState era)
-> LedgerState era -> UTxOState era
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
    EpochState era -> LedgerState era
forall era. EpochState era -> LedgerState era
SL.esLState (EpochState era -> LedgerState era)
-> EpochState era -> LedgerState era
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
    NewEpochState era -> EpochState era
forall era. NewEpochState era -> EpochState era
SL.nesEs (NewEpochState era -> EpochState era)
-> NewEpochState era -> EpochState era
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
    Ticked (LedgerState (ShelleyBlock proto era)) -> NewEpochState era
forall proto era.
Ticked (LedgerState (ShelleyBlock proto era)) -> NewEpochState era
tickedShelleyLedgerState Ticked (LedgerState (ShelleyBlock proto era))

ejectShelleyTickedLedgerState ::
     Ticked (LedgerState (CardanoBlock c))
  -> Maybe (Ticked (LedgerState (ShelleyBlock (TPraos c) (ShelleyEra c))))
ejectShelleyTickedLedgerState :: forall c.
Ticked (LedgerState (CardanoBlock c))
-> Maybe
     (Ticked (LedgerState (ShelleyBlock (TPraos c) (ShelleyEra c))))
ejectShelleyTickedLedgerState Ticked (LedgerState (CardanoBlock c))
ls =
   (Ticked :.: LedgerState) (ShelleyBlock (TPraos c) (ShelleyEra c))
 -> Ticked (LedgerState (ShelleyBlock (TPraos c) (ShelleyEra c))))
-> Maybe
        (Ticked :.: LedgerState) (ShelleyBlock (TPraos c) (ShelleyEra c)))
-> Maybe
     (Ticked (LedgerState (ShelleyBlock (TPraos c) (ShelleyEra c))))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap ((:.:) Ticked LedgerState (ShelleyBlock (TPraos c) (ShelleyEra c))
-> Ticked (LedgerState (ShelleyBlock (TPraos c) (ShelleyEra c)))
forall {l} {k} (f :: l -> *) (g :: k -> l) (p :: k).
(:.:) f g p -> f (g p)
unComp ((:.:) Ticked LedgerState (ShelleyBlock (TPraos c) (ShelleyEra c))
 -> Ticked (LedgerState (ShelleyBlock (TPraos c) (ShelleyEra c))))
-> (Current
      (Ticked :.: LedgerState) (ShelleyBlock (TPraos c) (ShelleyEra c))
    -> (:.:)
         Ticked LedgerState (ShelleyBlock (TPraos c) (ShelleyEra c)))
-> Current
     (Ticked :.: LedgerState) (ShelleyBlock (TPraos c) (ShelleyEra c))
-> Ticked (LedgerState (ShelleyBlock (TPraos c) (ShelleyEra c)))
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Current
  (Ticked :.: LedgerState) (ShelleyBlock (TPraos c) (ShelleyEra c))
-> (:.:)
     Ticked LedgerState (ShelleyBlock (TPraos c) (ShelleyEra c))
forall (f :: * -> *) blk. Current f blk -> f blk
currentState) (Maybe
      (Ticked :.: LedgerState) (ShelleyBlock (TPraos c) (ShelleyEra c)))
 -> Maybe
      (Ticked (LedgerState (ShelleyBlock (TPraos c) (ShelleyEra c)))))
-> Maybe
        (Ticked :.: LedgerState) (ShelleyBlock (TPraos c) (ShelleyEra c)))
-> Maybe
     (Ticked (LedgerState (ShelleyBlock (TPraos c) (ShelleyEra c))))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
    NS (Current (Ticked :.: LedgerState)) (CardanoEras c)
-> Maybe
        (Ticked :.: LedgerState) (ShelleyBlock (TPraos c) (ShelleyEra c)))
forall (f :: * -> *) c.
NS f (CardanoEras c)
-> Maybe (f (ShelleyBlock (TPraos c) (ShelleyEra c)))
ejectShelleyNS (NS (Current (Ticked :.: LedgerState)) (CardanoEras c)
 -> Maybe
         (Ticked :.: LedgerState) (ShelleyBlock (TPraos c) (ShelleyEra c))))
-> NS (Current (Ticked :.: LedgerState)) (CardanoEras c)
-> Maybe
        (Ticked :.: LedgerState) (ShelleyBlock (TPraos c) (ShelleyEra c)))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
  (K Past) (Current (Ticked :.: LedgerState)) (CardanoEras c)
-> NS (Current (Ticked :.: LedgerState)) (CardanoEras c)
forall {k} (g :: k -> *) (f :: k -> *) (xs :: [k]).
Telescope g f xs -> NS f xs
Tele.tip (Telescope
   (K Past) (Current (Ticked :.: LedgerState)) (CardanoEras c)
 -> NS (Current (Ticked :.: LedgerState)) (CardanoEras c))
-> Telescope
     (K Past) (Current (Ticked :.: LedgerState)) (CardanoEras c)
-> NS (Current (Ticked :.: LedgerState)) (CardanoEras c)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
    HardForkState (Ticked :.: LedgerState) (CardanoEras c)
-> Telescope
     (K Past) (Current (Ticked :.: LedgerState)) (CardanoEras c)
forall (f :: * -> *) (xs :: [*]).
HardForkState f xs -> Telescope (K Past) (Current f) xs
getHardForkState (HardForkState (Ticked :.: LedgerState) (CardanoEras c)
 -> Telescope
      (K Past) (Current (Ticked :.: LedgerState)) (CardanoEras c))
-> HardForkState (Ticked :.: LedgerState) (CardanoEras c)
-> Telescope
     (K Past) (Current (Ticked :.: LedgerState)) (CardanoEras c)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
    Ticked (LedgerState (CardanoBlock c))
-> HardForkState (Ticked :.: LedgerState) (CardanoEras c)
forall (xs :: [*]).
Ticked (LedgerState (HardForkBlock xs))
-> HardForkState (Ticked :.: LedgerState) xs
tickedHardForkLedgerStatePerEra (Ticked (LedgerState (CardanoBlock c))
 -> HardForkState (Ticked :.: LedgerState) (CardanoEras c))
-> Ticked (LedgerState (CardanoBlock c))
-> HardForkState (Ticked :.: LedgerState) (CardanoEras c)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
    Ticked (LedgerState (CardanoBlock c))