Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- ledgerDbAnchor ∷ LedgerDB l → l
- ledgerDbCurrent ∷ GetTip l ⇒ LedgerDB l → l
- ledgerDbIsSaturated ∷ GetTip l ⇒ SecurityParam → LedgerDB l → Bool
- ledgerDbMaxRollback ∷ GetTip l ⇒ LedgerDB l → Word64
- ledgerDbPast ∷ (HasHeader blk, IsLedger l, HeaderHash l ~ HeaderHash blk) ⇒ Point blk → LedgerDB l → Maybe l
- ledgerDbSnapshots ∷ LedgerDB l → [(Word64, l)]
- ledgerDbTip ∷ GetTip l ⇒ LedgerDB l → Point l
ledgerDbAnchor ∷ LedgerDB l → l Source #
Information about the state of the ledger at the anchor
ledgerDbCurrent ∷ GetTip l ⇒ LedgerDB l → l Source #
The ledger state at the tip of the chain
ledgerDbIsSaturated ∷ GetTip l ⇒ SecurityParam → LedgerDB l → Bool Source #
Have we seen at least k
ledgerDbMaxRollback ∷ GetTip l ⇒ LedgerDB l → Word64 Source #
How many blocks can we currently roll back?
ledgerDbPast ∷ (HasHeader blk, IsLedger l, HeaderHash l ~ HeaderHash blk) ⇒ Point blk → LedgerDB l → Maybe l Source #
ledgerDbSnapshots ∷ LedgerDB l → [(Word64, l)] Source #
All snapshots currently stored by the ledger DB (new to old)
This also includes the snapshot at the anchor. For each snapshot we also return the distance from the tip.