Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- chainSyncNoSizeLimits ∷ ProtocolSizeLimits (ChainSync header point tip) bytes
- chainSyncNoTimeouts ∷ ChainSyncTimeout
- runChainSyncClient ∷ (IOLike m, MonadTimer m, LedgerSupportsProtocol blk, ShowProxy blk, ShowProxy (Header blk)) ⇒ Tracer m (TraceEvent blk) → TopLevelConfig blk → ChainDbView m blk → PeerId → ChainSyncTimeout → ChainSyncLoPBucketConfig → CSJConfig → StateViewTracers blk m → ChainSyncClientHandleCollection PeerId m blk → Channel m (AnyMessage (ChainSync (Header blk) (Point blk) (Tip blk))) → m ()
- runChainSyncServer ∷ (IOLike m, ShowProxy blk, ShowProxy (Header blk)) ⇒ Tracer m (TraceEvent blk) → PeerId → StateViewTracers blk m → ChainSyncServer (Header blk) (Point blk) (Tip blk) m () → Channel m (AnyMessage (ChainSync (Header blk) (Point blk) (Tip blk))) → m ()
chainSyncNoSizeLimits ∷ ProtocolSizeLimits (ChainSync header point tip) bytes Source #
∷ (IOLike m, MonadTimer m, LedgerSupportsProtocol blk, ShowProxy blk, ShowProxy (Header blk)) | |
⇒ Tracer m (TraceEvent blk) | |
→ TopLevelConfig blk | |
→ ChainDbView m blk | |
→ PeerId | The id of the peer to which the client connects. |
→ ChainSyncTimeout | Timeouts for this client. |
→ ChainSyncLoPBucketConfig | Configuration for the LoP bucket. |
→ CSJConfig | Configuration for ChainSync Jumping |
→ StateViewTracers blk m | Tracers used to record information for the future |
→ ChainSyncClientHandleCollection PeerId m blk | A TVar containing a map of states for each peer. This
function will (via |
→ Channel m (AnyMessage (ChainSync (Header blk) (Point blk) (Tip blk))) | |
→ m () |
Create and run a ChainSync client using bracketChainSyncClient
, synchronously. Exceptions are caught, sent to the
and logged.
runChainSyncServer ∷ (IOLike m, ShowProxy blk, ShowProxy (Header blk)) ⇒ Tracer m (TraceEvent blk) → PeerId → StateViewTracers blk m → ChainSyncServer (Header blk) (Point blk) (Tip blk) m () → Channel m (AnyMessage (ChainSync (Header blk) (Point blk) (Tip blk))) → m () Source #